Rameshwar Pratap
Cited by
Cited by
Ensemble learning for credit card fraud detection
I Sohony, R Pratap, U Nambiar
Proceedings of the ACM India joint international conference on data science …, 2018
Robust -means++
A Deshpande, P Kacham, R Pratap
Conference on uncertainty in artificial intelligence, 799-808, 2020
Efficient sketching algorithm for sparse binary data
R Pratap, D Bera, K Revanuru
2019 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 508-517, 2019
Frequent-itemset mining using locality-sensitive hashing
D Bera, R Pratap
International Computing and Combinatorics Conference, 143-155, 2016
Ihashnet: Iris hashing network based on efficient multi-index hashing
A Singh, P Gaurav, C Vashist, A Nigam, RP Yadav
2020 IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB), 1-9, 2020
Efficient compression technique for sparse sets
R Pratap, I Sohony, R Kulkarni
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 22nd Pacific-Asia …, 2018
Efficient dimensionality reduction for sparse binary data
R Pratap, R Kulkarni, I Sohony
2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 152-157, 2018
Dimensionality reduction for categorical data
D Bera, R Pratap, BD Verma
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 35 (4), 3658-3671, 2021
A Faster Sampling Algorithm for Spherical -means
R Pratap, A Deshmukh, P Nair, T Dutt
Asian Conference on Machine Learning, 343-358, 2018
Faster Coreset Construction for Projective Clustering via Low-Rank Approximation
R Pratap, S Sen
International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms, 336-348, 2018
Computing bits of algebraic numbers
S Datta, R Pratap
International Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation …, 2012
Efficient binary embedding of categorical data using BinSketch
BD Verma, R Pratap, D Bera
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 36 (2), 537-565, 2022
QUINT: Node Embedding Using Network Hashing
D Bera, R Pratap, BD Verma, B Sen, T Chakraborty
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 35 (3), 2987-3000, 2021
Variance reduction in feature hashing using MLE and control variate method
BD Verma, R Pratap, M Thakur
Machine Learning 111 (7), 2631-2662, 2022
One-pass additive-error subset selection for subspace approximation
A Deshpande, R Pratap
arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.12073, 2022
Method, device, and system for clustering document objects based on information content
MR Iyer, BC Villari, R Pratap
US Patent 11,232,132, 2022
Helly-type theorems in property testing
S Chakraborty, R Pratap, S Roy, S Saraf
International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 28 (04), 365-379, 2018
Helly-type theorems in property testing
S Chakraborty, R Pratap, S Roy, S Saraf
LATIN 2014: Theoretical Informatics: 11th Latin American Symposium …, 2014
On the complexity of algebraic numbers, and the bit-complexity of straight-line programs 1
E Allender, N Balaji, S Datta, R Pratap
Computability 12 (2), 145-173, 2023
Sampling-based dimension reduction for subspace approximation with outliers
A Deshpande, R Pratap
Theoretical Computer Science 858, 100-113, 2021
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Articles 1–20