EanTat Ooi
Cited by
Cited by
Polygon scaled boundary finite elements for crack propagation modelling
ET Ooi, C Song, F Tin‐Loi, Z Yang
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 91 (3), 319-342, 2012
A review of the scaled boundary finite element method for two-dimensional linear elastic fracture mechanics
C Song, ET Ooi, S Natarajan
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 187, 45-73, 2018
Adaptation of quadtree meshes in the scaled boundary finite element method for crack propagation modelling
ET Ooi, H Man, S Natarajan, C Song
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 144, 101-117, 2015
A scaled boundary polygon formulation for elasto-plastic analyses
ET Ooi, C Song, F Tin-Loi
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 268, 905-937, 2014
Adaptive phase-field modeling of brittle fracture using the scaled boundary finite element method
ALN Pramod, RK Annabattula, ET Ooi, C Song, S Natarajan
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 355, 284-307, 2019
A hybrid finite element-scaled boundary finite element method for crack propagation modelling
ET Ooi, ZJ Yang
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 199 (17-20), 1178-1192, 2010
Experimental and numerical study of the dependency of interface fracture in concrete–rock specimens on mode mixity
H Zhong, ET Ooi, C Song, T Ding, G Lin, H Li
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 124, 287-309, 2014
Dynamic crack propagation simulation with scaled boundary polygon elements and automatic remeshing technique
ET Ooi, M Shi, C Song, F Tin-Loi, ZJ Yang
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 106, 1-21, 2013
Scaled boundary polygons with application to fracture analysis of functionally graded materials
I Chiong, ET Ooi, C Song, F Tin‐Loi
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 98 (8), 562-589, 2014
Convergence and accuracy of displacement based finite element formulations over arbitrary polygons: Laplace interpolants, strain smoothing and scaled boundary polygon formulation
S Natarajan, ET Ooi, I Chiong, C Song
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 85, 101-122, 2014
Modelling crack propagation in reinforced concrete using a hybrid finite element–scaled boundary finite element method
ET Ooi, ZJ Yang
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 78 (2), 252-273, 2011
Modelling dynamic crack propagation using the scaled boundary finite element method
ET Ooi, ZJ Yang
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 88 (4), 329-349, 2011
Virtual and smoothed finite elements: a connection and its application to polygonal/polyhedral finite element methods
S Natarajan, SPA Bordas, ET Ooi
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 104 (13), 1173-1199, 2015
Modelling multiple cohesive crack propagation using a finite element–scaled boundary finite element coupled method
ET Ooi, ZJ Yang
Engineering analysis with boundary elements 33 (7), 915-929, 2009
Automatic modelling of cohesive crack propagation in concrete using polygon scaled boundary finite elements
ET Ooi, C Song, F Tin-Loi, ZJ Yang
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 93, 13-33, 2012
A 20‐node hexahedron element with enhanced distortion tolerance
ET Ooi, S Rajendran, JH Yeo
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 60 (15), 2501-2530, 2004
A quadtree-polygon-based scaled boundary finite element method for image-based mesoscale fracture modelling in concrete
H Guo, ET Ooi, AA Saputra, Z Yang, S Natarajan, EH Ooi, C Song
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 211, 420-441, 2019
Dynamic fracture simulations using the scaled boundary finite element method on hybrid polygon–quadtree meshes
ET Ooi, S Natarajan, C Song, EH Ooi
International Journal of Impact Engineering 90, 154-164, 2016
Modelling of crack propagation of gravity dams by scaled boundary polygons and cohesive crack model
M Shi, H Zhong, ET Ooi, C Zhang, C Song
International Journal of Fracture 183, 29-48, 2013
Crack propagation modelling in functionally graded materials using scaled boundary polygons
ET Ooi, S Natarajan, C Song, F Tin-Loi
International journal of fracture 192, 87-105, 2015
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Articles 1–20