Andrés Miniguano-Trujillo
Andrés Miniguano-Trujillo
Mathematics PhD Student, Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences
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Cited by
Bilevel parameter learning for nonlocal image denoising models
M D’Elia, JC De Los Reyes, A Miniguano-Trujillo
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 63 (6), 753-775, 2021
An integer programming model to assign patients based on mental health impact for tele-psychotherapy intervention during the Covid–19 emergency
A Miniguano-Trujillo, F Salazar, R Torres, P Arias, K Sotomayor
Health care management science 24 (2), 286-304, 2021
Solving the home service assignment, routing, and appointment scheduling (H-SARA) problem with uncertainties
SN Johnn, Y Zhu, A Miniguano-Trujillo, A Gupte
21st Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling …, 2021
Stochastic programming for an integrated assignment, routing, and scheduling problem
SN Johnn, A Miniguano-Trujillo, Y Zhu, A Gupte, J Kalcsics
Graph partitioning in connected components with minimum size constraints via mixed integer programming
M Cordero, A Miniguano-Trujillo, D Recalde, R Torres, P Vaca
arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.11254, 2022
Modelo matemático de optimización permite asignar pacientes a terapeutas para intervencion en crisis durante emergencia COVID-19: Matemática & Psicología Artículo inédito …
MF Salazar, A Miniguano-Trujillo, KG Guerrero
ASOiMAT 7 (1), 16-22, 2021
The Integrated Vehicle and Pollster Routing Problem
S Gutiérrez, A Miniguano-Trujillo, D Recalde, LM Torres, R Torres
arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.07356, 2019
Efficient nonlocal linear image denoising: Bilevel optimization with Nonequispaced Fast Fourier Transform and matrix-free preconditioning
A Miniguano-Trujillo, JW Pearson, BD Goddard
arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.06834, 2024
A Numerical Framework for the Parameter Identification of the SIRD Model
A Miniguano-Trujillo, JW Pearson, BD Goddard
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.11162, 2023
The Home Service Assignment, Routing, and Appointment Scheduling (H-SARA) problem with Uncertainties
SN Johnn, Y Zhu, A Miniguano-Trujillo, A Gupte
El título se lo deja al lector
A Miniguano-Trujillo
ASOiMAT 4 (1), 20-22, 2020
Algoritmos matheurísticos para un problema de planificación de rutas vehiculares y pedestres
AR Miniguano Trujillo, PA Zuleta Sarango
Quito, 2018., 2018
Parameter selection in non-local variational image denoising
AM Trujillo, JC De los Reyes
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Articles 1–13