Diana Feliciano
Diana Feliciano
Professor of Climate Change and Sustainable Development, Teesside University
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Which agroforestry options give the greatest soil and above ground carbon benefits in different world regions?
D Feliciano, A Ledo, J Hillier, DR Nayak
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 254, 117-129, 2018
A review on the contribution of crop diversification to Sustainable Development Goal 1 “No poverty” in different world regions
D Feliciano
Sustainable development 27 (4), 795-808, 2019
How private are Europe’s private forests? A comparative property rights analysis
L Nichiforel, K Keary, P Deuffic, G Weiss, BJ Thorsen, G Winkel, ...
Land use policy 76, 535-552, 2018
Tackling wicked environmental problems: The discourse and its influence on praxis in Scotland
D Duckett, D Feliciano, J Martin-Ortega, J Munoz-Rojas
Landscape and Urban Planning 154, 44-56, 2016
Net Zero: The UK’s contribution to stopping global warming
C Stark, M Thompson, T Andrew, G Beasley, O Bellamy, P Budden, ...
UK Committee on Climate Change, 2019
Forest Land Ownership Change in Europe. COST Action FP1201 FACESMAP Country Reports: Joint Volume
I Zivojinovic, W Gerhard, G Lidesdav, DMS Feliciano, T Hujala, ...
European Forest Institute Central-East and South-East European Regional Office, 2015
Understanding private forest owners’ conceptualisation of forest management: Evidence from a survey in seven European countries
D Feliciano, L Bouriaud, E Brahic, P Deuffic, Z Dobsinska, V Jarsky, ...
Journal of Rural Studies 54, 162-176, 2017
The environmental impact of nutrition transition in three case study countries
M Gill, D Feliciano, J Macdiarmid, P Smith
Food Security 7, 493-504, 2015
Assessment of agricultural emissions, climate change mitigation and adaptation practices in Ethiopia
D Feliciano, J Recha, G Ambaw, K MacSween, D Solomon, E Wollenberg
Climate policy 22 (4), 427-444, 2022
Climate change mitigation options in the rural land use sector: Stakeholders’ perspectives on barriers, enablers and the role of policy in North East Scotland
D Feliciano, C Hunter, B Slee, P Smith
Environmental Science & Policy 44, 26-38, 2014
Research trends: Forest ownership in multiple perspectives
G Weiss, A Lawrence, G Lidestav, D Feliciano, T Hujala, Z Sarvašová, ...
Forest Policy and Economics 99, 1-8, 2019
Extension, advice and knowledge systems for private forestry: Understanding diversity and change across Europe
A Lawrence, P Deuffic, T Hujala, L Nichiforel, D Feliciano, K Jodlowski, ...
Land use policy 94, 104522, 2020
Two decades of forest-related legislation changes in European countries analysed from a property rights perspective
L Nichiforel, P Deuffic, BJ Thorsen, G Weiss, T Hujala, K Keary, ...
Forest Policy and Economics 115, 102146, 2020
CCAFS-MOT-A tool for farmers, extension services and policy-advisors to identify mitigation options for agriculture
D Feliciano, DR Nayak, SH Vetter, J Hillier
Agricultural systems 154, 100-111, 2017
What influences European private forest owners' affinity for subsidies?
S Quiroga, C Suarez, A Ficko, D Feliciano, L Bouriaud, E Brahic, P Deuffic, ...
Forest Policy and Economics 99, 136-144, 2019
A forest-based circular bioeconomy for southern Europe: visions, opportunities and challenges
IM de Arano, B Muys, C Topi, D Pettenella, D Feliciano, E Rigolot, ...
Reflections on the Bioeconomy; European Forest Institute: Joensuu, Finland …, 2018
Forest land ownership changes in Portugal
DMS Feliciano, R Alves, A Mendes, M Ribeiro, M Sottomayor
European Forest Institute Central-East and South-East European Regional Office, 2015
Institutional innovation in European private forestry: the emergence of forest owners' organizations.
AMSC Mendes, B Štefanek, D Feliciano, D Mizaraite, D Nonić, ...
Innovation in forestry: territorial and value chain relationships, 68-86, 2011
Selecting land-based mitigation practices to reduce GHG emissions from the rural land use sector: A case study of North East Scotland
D Feliciano, C Hunter, B Slee, P Smith
Journal of environmental management 120, 93-104, 2013
Forest owners’ organizations across Europe: similarities and differences
A Mendes, S Størdal, W Adamczyk, D Bancu, L Bouriaud, D Feliciano, ...
Issues affecting enterprise development in the forest sector in Europe, 84, 2006
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