Paul Foley
Paul Foley
Professor, Environmental Policy Institute, Memorial University
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Coastal and Indigenous community access to marine resources and the ocean: A policy imperative for Canada
Marine Policy 87 (January), 186-193, 2018
Evaluating and implementing social–ecological systems: a comprehensive approach to sustainable fisheries
RL Stephenson, S Paul, M Wiber, E Angel, AJ Benson, A Charles, ...
Fish and Fisheries 19 (5), 853-873, 2018
Ocean grabbing, terraqueous territoriality and social development
P Foley, C Mather
Territory, Politics, Governance, 2018
Integrating diverse objectives for sustainable fisheries in Canada
RL Stephenson, M Wiber, S Paul, E Angel, A Benson, A Charles, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76 (3), 480-496, 2019
Certifying the Commons: Eco-Certification, Privatization and Collective Action
P Foley, B McCay
Ecology and Society 19 (2), 28, 2014
The rise of territorial eco-certifications: New politics of transnational sustainability governance in the fishery sector
P Foley, E Havice
Geoforum 69 (February), 24-33, 2016
National government responses to Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) fisheries certification: insights from Atlantic Canada
P Foley
New Political Economy 18 (2), 284-307, 2013
The political economy of Marine Stewardship Council certification: Processors and access in Newfoundland and Labrador's inshore shrimp industry
P Foley
Journal of Agrarian Change 12 (2‐3), 436-457, 2012
Governing enclosure for coastal communities: Social embeddedness in a Canadian shrimp fishery
P Foley, C Mather, B Neis
Marine Policy, 2015
Alternative regimes of transnational environmental certification: governance, marketization, and place in Alaska’s salmon fisheries
P Foley, K Hébert
Environment and Planning A 45 (11), 2734-2751, 2013
Full-spectrum sustainability: an alternative to fisheries management panaceas.
P Foley, E Pinkerton, MG Wiber, RL Stephenson
Ecology & Society 25 (2), 2020
Making Space for Community Use Rights: Insights From “Community Economies” in Newfoundland and Labrador
P Foley, C Mather
Society & Natural Resources, 2015
The territorialization of transnational sustainability governance: Production, power, and globalization in Iceland's fisheries
P Foley
Environmental Politics 26 (5), 915-937, 2017
Marine Stewardship Council sustainability certification in developing countries: Certifiability and beyond in Kerala, India and the Gambia, West Africa
RA Nyiawung, A Raj, P Foley
Marine Policy 129, 104526, 2021
Onshore benefits from fishing: Tracking value from the northern shrimp fishery to communities in Newfoundland and Labrador
EH Carruthers, CE Parlee, R Keenan, P Foley
Marine Policy 103, 130-137, 2019
Foresighting future oceans: considerations and opportunities
R Kelly, P Foley, RL Stephenson, AJ Hobday, GT Pecl, F Boschetti, ...
Marine Policy 140, 105021, 2022
Full spectrum sustainability and a theory of access: Integrating social benefits into fisheries governance
CE Parlee, P Foley, MAL Gomez, MR Miah, C Mather, RL Stephenson
Marine policy 134, 104764, 2021
Human dimensions of ecosystem-based management: Lessons in managing trade-offs from the Northern Shrimp Fishery in Northern Peninsula, Newfoundland
G Epstein, E Andrews, D Armitage, P Foley, J Pittman, R Brushett
Marine Policy 97, 10-17, 2018
Fisheries allocation policies and regional development: Successes from the Newfoundland and Labrador shrimp fishery
P Foley, C Mather, B Neis
The Leslie Harris Centre of Regional Policy and Development, Memorial …, 2013
Alternative environmentalities: recasting the assessment of Canada’s first Marine Stewardship Council-certified fishery in social terms
P Foley, DA Okyere, C Mather
Ecology and Society 23 (3), 2018
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