Andreas Theodorou
Cited by
Cited by
Towards ethical and socio-legal governance in AI
A Theodorou, V Dignum
Nature Machine Intelligence, 2020
Designing and implementing transparency for real time inspection of autonomous robots
A Theodorou, RH Wortham, JJ Bryson
Connection Science 29 (3), 230-241, 2017
Robot transparency, trust and utility
RH Wortham, A Theodorou
Connection Science 29 (3), 242-248, 2017
A sociotechnical perspective for the future of AI: narratives, inequalities, and human control
L Sartori, A Theodorou
Ethics and Information Technology 24 (1), 4, 2022
How society can maintain human-centric artificial intelligence
JJ Bryson, A Theodorou
Human-centered digitalization and services, 305-323, 2019
What does the robot think? Transparency as a fundamental design requirement for intelligent systems
RH Wortham, A Theodorou, JJ Bryson
Ijcai-2016 ethics for artificial intelligence workshop, 2016
IEEE P7001: A proposed standard on transparency
AFT Winfield, S Booth, LA Dennis, T Egawa, H Hastie, N Jacobs, ...
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 8, 665729, 2021
A socio-technical framework for digital contact tracing
R Vinuesa, A Theodorou, M Battaglini, V Dignum
Results in Engineering 8, 100163, 2020
Improving robot transparency: Real-time visualisation of robot AI substantially improves understanding in naive observers
RH Wortham, A Theodorou, JJ Bryson
2017 26th IEEE international symposium on robot and human interactive …, 2017
Governance by Glass-Box: Implementing Transparent Moral Bounds for AI Behaviour
AA Tubella, A Theodorou, F Dignum, V Dignum
International Joint Conference of Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2019), 2019
Robot transparency: Improving understanding of intelligent behaviour for designers and users
RH Wortham, A Theodorou, JJ Bryson
Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems: 18th Annual Conference, TAROS 2017 …, 2017
Why is my robot behaving like that? Designing transparency for real time inspection of autonomous robots
A Theodorou, RH Wortham, JJ Bryson
AISB workshop on principles of robotics, 2016
Let me take over: Variable autonomy for meaningful human control
L Methnani, A Aler Tubella, V Dignum, A Theodorou
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 4, 737072, 2021
Improving robot transparency: An investigation with mobile augmented reality
A Rotsidis, A Theodorou, JJ Bryson, RH Wortham
2019 28th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive …, 2019
Contestable black boxes
A Aler Tubella, A Theodorou, V Dignum, L Michael
Rules and Reasoning: 4th International Joint Conference, RuleML+ RR 2020 …, 2020
The sustainability game: AI technology as an intervention for public understanding of cooperative investment
A Theodorou, B Bandt-Law, JJ Bryson
2019 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG), 1-4, 2019
Slam the Brakes: Perceptions of Moral Decisions in Driving Dilemmas
H Wilson, A Theodorou
AISafety 2019: Workshop in Artificial Intelligence Safety, 2019
From fear to action: AI governance and opportunities for all
K Baum, J Bryson, F Dignum, V Dignum, M Grobelnik, H Hoos, M Irgens, ...
Frontiers in Computer Science 5, 1210421, 2023
ABOD3: A Graphical Visualization and Real-Time Debugging Tool for BOD Agents
A Theodorou
EUCog, 2016
Let it rain for social good
M Brännström, A Theodorou, V Dignum
arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.04697, 2022
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Articles 1–20