Morris Kleiner
Morris Kleiner
Professor of Public Policy, University of Minnesota
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Cited by
Occupational licensing
MM Kleiner
Journal of Economic Perspectives 14 (4), 189-202, 2000
Analyzing the extent and influence of occupational licensing on the labor market
MM Kleiner, AB Krueger
Journal of Labor Economics 31 (S1), S173-S202, 2013
Licensing occupations: Ensuring quality or restricting competition?
MM Kleiner
WE Upjohn Institute, 2006
The prevalence and effects of occupational licensing
MM Kleiner, AB Krueger
British Journal of Industrial Relations 48 (4), 676-687, 2010
Does regulation affect economic outcomes? The case of dentistry
MM Kleiner, RT Kudrle
The Journal of Law and Economics 43 (2), 547-582, 2000
The last American shoe manufacturers: Decreasing productivity and increasing profits in the shift from piece rates to continuous flow production
RB Freeman, MM Kleiner
Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 44 (2), 307-330, 2005
Employer behavior in the face of union organizing drives
RB Freeman, MM Kleiner
ILR Review 43 (4), 351-365, 1990
Who benefits most from employee involvement: firms or workers?
RB Freeman, MM Kleiner
American Economic Review 90 (2), 219-223, 2000
Relaxing occupational licensing requirements: Analyzing wages and prices for a medical service
MM Kleiner, A Marier, KW Park, C Wing
The Journal of Law and Economics 59 (2), 261-291, 2016
Intensity of management resistance: Understanding the decline of unionization in the private sector
MM Kleiner
The Future of Private Sector Unionism in the United States, 292-316, 2016
Do unions make enterprises insolvent?
RB Freeman, MM Kleiner
ILR Review 52 (4), 510-527, 1999
Providing business information to production workers: Correlates of compensation and profitability
MM Kleiner, ML Bouillon
ILR Review 41 (4), 605-617, 1988
Is occupational licensing a barrier to interstate migration?
JE Johnson, MM Kleiner
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 12 (3), 347-373, 2020
Analyzing the labor market outcomes of occupational licensing
M Gittleman, MA Klee, MM Kleiner
Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 57 (1), 57-100, 2018
The anatomy of employee involvement and its effects on firms and workers
RB Freeman, MM Kleiner, C Ostroff
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2000
The impact of new unionization on wages and working conditions
RB Freeman, MM Kleiner
Journal of Labor Economics 8 (1, Part 2), S8-S25, 1990
How industrial relations affects plant performance: the case of commercial aircraft manufacturing
MM Kleiner, JS Leonard, AM Pilarski
ILR Review 55 (2), 195-218, 2002
Wage effects of unionization and occupational licensing coverage in the United States
M Gittleman, MM Kleiner
ILR Review 69 (1), 142-172, 2016
Unionism and licensing of public school teachers: Impact on wages and educational output
MM Kleiner, DL Petree
When public sector workers unionize, 305-322, 1988
A welfare analysis of occupational licensing in US states
MM Kleiner, EJ Soltas
Review of Economic Studies, 2481–2516., 2023
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Articles 1–20