David Mathias
David Mathias
Postgraduate Research Engineer
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Cited by
Accelerating product prototyping through hybrid methods: Coupling 3D printing and LEGO
D Mathias, C Snider, B Hicks, C Ranscombe
Design studies 62, 68-99, 2019
Designing with LEGO: exploring low fidelity visualization as a trigger for student behavior change toward idea fluency
C Ranscombe, K Bissett-Johnson, D Mathias, B Eisenbart, B Hicks
International Journal of Technology and Design Education 30, 367-388, 2020
Characterising the affordances and limitations of common prototyping techniques to support the early stages of product development
D Mathias, B Hicks, C Snider, C Ranscombe
Ds 92: proceedings of the design 2018 15th international design conference …, 2018
Digital sketch modelling: proposing a hybrid visualisation tool combining affordances of sketching and CAD
C Ranscombe, W Zhang, J Rodda, D Mathias
Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering …, 2019
Evolving lego: Prototyping requirements for a customizable construction kit
D Boa, D Mathias, B Hicks
DS 87-4 Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering …, 2017
Design variation through richness of rules embedded in LEGO bricks
D Mathias, D Boa, B Hicks, C Snider, P Bennett, C Taylor
21st International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED 2017: University …, 2017
Hybrid prototyping: Pure theory or a practical solution to accelerating prototyping tasks?
D Mathias, B Hicks, C Snider
Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering …, 2019
Realisation of self-replicating production resources through tight coupling of manufacturing technologies
M Goudswaard, B Hicks, A Nassehi, D Mathias
DS 87-5 Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering …, 2017
Investigating and Characterising the Coupling of LEGO and 3D Printing
DRF Mathias
University of Bristol, 2020
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Articles 1–9