Buyer power and supplier relationship commitment: A cognitive evaluation theory perspective S Chae, TY Choi, D Hur Journal of Supply Chain Management 53 (2), 39-60, 2017 | 207 | 2017 |
When buyer‐driven knowledge transfer activities really work: A motivation–opportunity–ability perspective H Kim, D Hur, T Schoenherr Journal of Supply Chain Management 51 (3), 33-60, 2015 | 114 | 2015 |
The dark side of supply chain digitalisation: supplier-perceived digital capability asymmetry, buyer opportunism and governance BG Son, H Kim, D Hur, N Subramanian International Journal of Operations & Production Management 41 (7), 1220-1247, 2021 | 78 | 2021 |
Real‐time work schedule adjustment decisions: An investigation and evaluation D Hur, VA Mabert, KM Bretthauer Production and Operations Management 13 (4), 322-339, 2004 | 71 | 2004 |
Bipolarity in reactions to operational ‘constraints’: OM bugs under an OB lens E Bendoly, D Hur Journal of Operations Management 25 (1), 1-13, 2007 | 70 | 2007 |
Mixed-model assembly line sequencing at Hyundai Motor Company EA Duplaga, CK Hahn, D Hur Production and Inventory Management Journal 37 (3), 20, 1996 | 65 | 1996 |
Implementing reverse e-auctions: A learning process D Hur, JL Hartley, VA Mabert Business Horizons 49 (1), 21-29, 2006 | 59 | 2006 |
Getting the most out of reverse e-auction investment D Hur, VA Mabert, JL Hartley Omega 35 (4), 403-416, 2007 | 53 | 2007 |
An exploration of supply chain structure in Korean companies D Hur, JL Hartley, CK Hahn International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications 7 (2), 151-164, 2004 | 42 | 2004 |
Interorganizational information processing and the contingency effects of buyer-incurred uncertainty in a supplier's component development project S Hwang, H Kim, D Hur, T Schoenherr International Journal of Production Economics 210, 169-183, 2019 | 29 | 2019 |
Real-time schedule adjustment decisions: a case study D Hur, VA Mabert, KM Bretthauer Omega 32 (5), 333-344, 2004 | 25 | 2004 |
Leveraging knowledge in buyer-supplier alliances: a theoretical integration SK Muthusamy, D Hur, R Palanisamy International Journal of Management and Decision Making 9 (6), 600-616, 2008 | 16 | 2008 |
Feeling torn? The conflicting effects of market and entrepreneurial orientations on manufacturing SMEs' innovation performance H Kim, D Hur European Journal of Innovation Management 27 (1), 233-262, 2024 | 10 | 2024 |
The Effects of Knowledge Based Supplier Development on Supplier’s Social Capital DS Hur, HJ Kim, SH Min Knowledge Acquisition, and Operational Performance, The Korean Production …, 2013 | 7 | 2013 |
구매기업의 지식기반 공급자개발활동이 공급기업의 사회적 자본, 지식습득 및 운영성과에 미치는 영향 허대식, 김효진, 민순홍 한국생산관리학회지 24 (2), 185-215, 2013 | 7 | 2013 |
구매기업의 공급기업관계지향성이 공급기업 통합활동과운영성과 개선에 미치는 영향: 전자, 수송, 기계 산업을 중심으로 김인희, 김효진, 허대식, 민순홍 한국생산관리학회지 26 (2), 149-171, 2015 | 5 | 2015 |
구매기업의 힘의 원천이 공급기업의 공정성인식, 관계몰입도 및 공급망 통합 활동에 미치는 영향 복준혁, 허대식, 황선일 한국생산관리학회지 23 (4), 283-311, 2012 | 5 | 2012 |
A comparative evaluation of forecast monitoring systems in service organizations D Hur Decision Sciences Institute 2002 Proceedings, 2002 | 5 | 2002 |
한국과 해외 우수 제조기업의 공급사슬 통합 현황에 대한 탐색적 고찰: 자동차, 전자, 기계산업을 중심으로: 자동차, 전자, 기계산업을 중심으로 허대식, 김길선, 최정욱 한국경영과학회지 33 (4), 101-118, 2008 | 4 | 2008 |
R&D 의 내부통합과 기능 간 협업이 신제품 혁신성 및 신제품 개발 성과에 미치는 영향: 한국의 기술혁신형 중소기업을 중심으로 허대식, 김효진, 최종철 한국생산관리학회지 27 (1), 1-25, 2016 | 3 | 2016 |