Ziarat Hossain
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Cited by
African American and African Caribbean fathers
JL Roopnarine, Z Hossain
Handbook of father involvement, 223-243, 2013
Depressed mothers' touching increases infants' positive affect and attention in still‐face interactions
M Peláez‐Nogueras, TM Field, Z Hossain, J Pickens
Child development 67 (4), 1780-1792, 1996
Infants of “depressed” mothers interact better with their nondepressed fathers
Z Hossain, T Field, J Gonzalez, J Malphurs, CD Valle, J Pickens
Infant Mental Health Journal 15 (4), 348-357, 1994
African-American fathers' involvement with infants: Relationship to their functioning style, support, education, and income
Z Hossain, JL Roopnarine
Infant Behavior and development 17 (2), 175-184, 1994
Division of household labor and child care in dual-earner African-American families with infants
Z Hossain, JL Roopnarine
Sex Roles 29, 571-583, 1993
High blood pressure and associated symptoms were reduced by massage therapy
M Hernandez-Reif, T Field, J Krasnegor, Z Hossain, H Theakston, ...
Journal of bodywork and movement therapies 4 (1), 31-38, 2000
“Depressed” fathers' interactions with their infants
TM Field, Z Hossain, J Malphurs
Infant Mental Health Journal: Official Publication of The World Association …, 1999
Father involvement in child care and household work in common-law dual-earner and single-earner Jamaican families
JL Roopnarine, J Brown, P Snell-White, NB Riegraf, D Crossley, ...
Journal of applied developmental psychology 16 (1), 35-52, 1995
Mothers' and fathers' childcare involvement with young children in rural families in Malaysia
Z Hossain, JL Roopnarine, J Masud, AAH Muhamed, R Baharudin, ...
International Journal of Psychology 40 (6), 385-394, 2005
Fathers' caregiving in low‐income African–American and Hispanic–American families
Z Hossain, T Field, J Pickens, J Malphurs, C Del Valle
Early Development and Parenting: An International Journal of Research and …, 1997
Parent-child interaction patterns in urban Indian families in New Delhi: Are they changing?
JL Roopnarine, Z Hossain
Parent-child socialization in diverse cultures, 1-16, 1992
Play in the East Indian context.
JL Roopnarine, Z Hossain, P Gill, H Brophy
State University of New York Press, 1994
Posttraumatic Stress, Depression and Social Support Among College Students After Hurricane Andrew.
JPT Field, Z Hossain
Grandparents in cultural context
DW Shwalb
Routledge, 2018
Fathers' and mothers' reports of involvement in caring for infants in Kadazan families in Sabah, Malaysia.
Z Hossain, JL Roopnarine, R Ismail, SI Hashmi, A Sombuling
Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research & Practice about Men as Fathers 5 (1), 2007
Division of Household Labor and Family Functioning in Off‐Reservation Navajo Indian Families*
Z Hossain
Family Relations 50 (3), 255-261, 2001
Play and early development and education: The instantiation of parental belief systems
JL Roopnarine, M Shin, K Jung, Z Hossain
Contemporary perspectives on play in early childhood education, 115-132, 2003
Mexican immigrant fathers’ and mothers’ engagement with school-age children
Z Hossain, V Shipman
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 31 (4), 468-491, 2009
Mothers' and fathers' involvement with school-age children's care and academic activities in Navajo Indian families.
Z Hossain, MC Anziano
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology 14 (2), 109, 2008
The sense of collectivism and individualism among husbands and wives in traditional and bi-cultural Navajo families on the Navajo reservation
Z Hossain, T Skurky, J Joe, T Hunt
Journal of Comparative Family Studies 42 (4), 543-562, 2011
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Articles 1–20