Matteo Spagnolo
Matteo Spagnolo
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Cited by
Size and shape characteristics of drumlins, derived from a large sample, and associated scaling laws
CD Clark, ALC Hughes, SL Greenwood, M Spagnolo, FSL Ng
Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (7-8), 677-692, 2009
A GIS tool for automatic calculation of glacier equilibrium-line altitudes
R Pellitero, BR Rea, M Spagnolo, J Bakke, P Hughes, S Ivy-Ochs, ...
Computers & Geosciences 82, 55-62, 2015
Size, shape and spatial arrangement of mega‐scale glacial lineations from a large and diverse dataset
M Spagnolo, CD Clark, JC Ely, CR Stokes, JB Anderson, K Andreassen, ...
Earth surface processes and landforms 39 (11), 1432-1448, 2014
GlaRe, a GIS tool to reconstruct the 3D surface of palaeoglaciers
R Pellitero, BR Rea, M Spagnolo, J Bakke, S Ivy-Ochs, CR Frew, ...
Computers & Geosciences 94, 77-85, 2016
Glacial cirques as palaeoenvironmental indicators: Their potential and limitations
ID Barr, M Spagnolo
Earth-science reviews 151, 48-78, 2015
Do subglacial bedforms comprise a size and shape continuum?
JC Ely, CD Clark, M Spagnolo, CR Stokes, SL Greenwood, ALC Hughes, ...
Geomorphology 257, 108-119, 2016
The composition and internal structure of drumlins: complexity, commonality, and implications for a unifying theory of their formation
CR Stokes, M Spagnolo, CD Clark
Earth-Science Reviews 107 (3-4), 398-422, 2011
Formation of mega-scale glacial lineations on the Dubawnt Lake Ice Stream bed: 1. size, shape and spacing from a large remote sensing dataset
CR Stokes, M Spagnolo, CD Clark, CÓ Cofaigh, OB Lian, RB Dunstone
Quaternary Science Reviews 77, 190-209, 2013
Exposure age dating and Equilibrium Line Altitude reconstruction of an Egesen moraine in the Maritime Alps, Italy
PR Federici, DE Granger, M Pappalardo, A Ribolini, M Spagnolo, AJ Cyr
Boreas 37 (2), 245-253, 2008
The instability theory of drumlin formation and its explanation of their varied composition and internal structure
CR Stokes, AC Fowler, CD Clark, RCA Hindmarsh, M Spagnolo
Quaternary Science Reviews 62, 77-96, 2013
Atmospheric circulation over Europe during the Younger Dryas
BR Rea, R Pellitero, M Spagnolo, P Hughes, S Ivy-Ochs, H Renssen, ...
Science advances 6 (50), eaba4844, 2020
Glacial history of the Maritime Alps from the last glacial maximum to the little ice age
PR Federici, A Ribolini, M Spagnolo
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 433 (1), 137-159, 2017
Last Glacial Maximum and the Gschnitz stadial in the Maritime Alps according to 10Be cosmogenic dating
PR Federici, DE Granger, A Ribolini, M Spagnolo, M Pappalardo, AJ Cyr
Boreas 41 (2), 277-291, 2012
Morphometric analysis on the size, shape and areal distribution of glacial cirques in the Maritime Alps (Western French‐Italian Alps)
PR Federici, M Spagnolo
Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography 86 (3), 235-248, 2004
Using UAV acquired photography and structure from motion techniques for studying glacier landforms: application to the glacial flutes at Isfallsglaciären
JC Ely, C Graham, ID Barr, BR Rea, M Spagnolo, J Evans
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 42 (6), 877-888, 2017
Drumlin relief
M Spagnolo, CD Clark, ALC Hughes
Geomorphology 153, 179-191, 2012
The internal structure of rock glaciers and recently deglaciated slopes as revealed by geoelectrical tomography: insights on permafrost and recent glacial evolution in the …
A Ribolini, M Guglielmin, D Fabre, X Bodin, M Marchisio, S Sartini, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 29 (3-4), 507-521, 2010
Drainage network geometry versus tectonics in the Argentera Massif (French–Italian Alps)
A Ribolini, M Spagnolo
Geomorphology 93 (3-4), 253-266, 2008
Ice stream motion facilitated by a shallow-deforming and accreting bed
M Spagnolo, E Phillips, JA Piotrowski, BR Rea, CD Clark, CR Stokes, ...
Nature Communications 7 (1), 10723, 2016
The planar shape of drumlins
M Spagnolo, CD Clark, ALC Hughes, P Dunlop, CR Stokes
Sedimentary Geology 232 (3-4), 119-129, 2010
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Articles 1–20