Albert Albers
Albert Albers
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing., IPEK - Institute of Product Engineering, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
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Open innovation in the automotive industry
S Ili, A Albers, S Miller
R&d Management 40 (3), 246-255, 2010
Procedure for defining the system of objectives in the initial phase of an industry 4.0 project focusing on intelligent quality control systems
A Albers, B Gladysz, T Pinner, V Butenko, T Stürmlinger
Procedia Cirp 52, 262-267, 2016
Produktgenerationsentwicklung–Bedeutung und Herausforderungen aus einer entwicklungsmethodischen Perspektive
A Albers, N Bursac, E Wintergerst
Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung 2015, 2015
Five hypotheses about engineering processes and their consequences
A Albers
Proceedings of the TMCE 12, 343-356, 2010
iPeM–integrated product engineering model in context of product generation engineering
A Albers, N Reiss, N Bursac, T Richter
Procedia CIRP 50, 100-105, 2016
Semi-autonomous flying robot for physical interaction with environment
A Albers, S Trautmann, T Howard, TA Nguyen, M Frietsch, C Sauter
2010 IEEE conference on robotics, automation and mechatronics, 441-446, 2010
Verifikation und validierung im produktentstehungsprozess
A Albers, M Behrendt, S Klingler, K Matros
Handbuch Produktentwicklung 1, 541-569, 2016
Product generation development–importance and challenges from a design research perspective
A Albers, N Bursac, E Wintergerst
New developments in mechanics and mechanical engineering 13, 16-21, 2015
SPALTEN problem solving methodology in the product development
A Albers, N Burkardt, M Meboldt, M Saak
DS 35: Proceedings ICED 05, the 15th International Conference on Engineering …, 2005
Die Frühe Phase der PGE–Produktgenerationsentwicklung
A Albers, S Rapp, C Birk, N Bursac
Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung 2017, 2017
A generalised framework to compass and to support complex product engineering processes
A Albers, A Braun
International Journal of Product Development 15 (1-3), 6-25, 2011
The Contact and Channel Approach (C&C2-A): Relating a System’s Physical Structure to Its Functionality
A Albers, E Wintergerst
An anthology of theories and models of design: Philosophy, approaches and …, 2014
The reference system in the model of PGE: proposing a generalized description of reference products and their interrelations
A Albers, S Rapp, M Spadinger, T Richter, C Birk, F Marthaler, J Heimicke, ...
Proceedings of the design society: international conference on engineering …, 2019
Product Profiles: Modelling customer benefits as a foundation to bring inventions to innovations
A Albers, J Heimicke, B Walter, GN Basedow, N Reiß, N Heitger, S Ott, ...
Procedia CIRP 70, 253-258, 2018
Konstruktionsmethodisches grundmodell zum zusammenhang von gestalt und funktion technischer systeme
A Albers, S Matthiesen, G Lechner
Konstruktion (1981), 55-60, 2002
Upper body of a new humanoid robot-the design of ARMAR III
A Albers, S Brudniok, J Ottnad, C Sauter, K Sedchaicharn
2006 6th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 308-313, 2006
Challenges of model-based systems engineering: A study towards unified term understanding and the state of usage of SysML
A Albers, C Zingel
Smart Product Engineering: Proceedings of the 23rd CIRP Design Conference …, 2013
PGE–Produktgenerationsentwicklung am Beispiel des Zweimassenschwungrads
A Albers, N Bursac, S Rapp
Forschung im Ingenieurwesen 1 (81), 13-31, 2016
Dimensions of objectives in interdisciplinary product development projects
A Albers, Q Lohmeyer, B Ebel
DS 68-2: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Engineering …, 2011
15 Years of SPALTEN problem solving methodology in product development
A Albers, N Reiß, N Bursac, J Breitschuh
DS 85-1: Proceedings of NordDesign 2016, Volume 1, Trondheim, Norway, 10th …, 2016
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Articles 1–20