Emmanuel de Langre
Emmanuel de Langre
Retired from Ecole polytechnique
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Coupling of structure and wake oscillators in vortex-induced vibrations
ML Facchinetti, E De Langre, F Biolley
Journal of Fluids and structures 19 (2), 123-140, 2004
Fluid-structure interactions: cross-flow-induced instabilities
MP Païdoussis, SJ Price, E De Langre
Cambridge University Press, 2010
Effects of wind on plants
E De Langre
Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 40 (1), 141-168, 2008
Computation of vortex-induced vibrations of long structures using a wake oscillator model: comparison with DNS and experiments
R Violette, E De Langre, J Szydlowski
Computers & structures 85 (11-14), 1134-1141, 2007
Drag reduction of flexible plates by reconfiguration
F Gosselin, E De Langre, BA Machado-Almeida
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 650, 319-341, 2010
Frequency lock-in is caused by coupled-mode flutter
E De Langre
Journal of fluids and structures 22 (6-7), 783-791, 2006
A scaling law for the effects of architecture and allometry on tree vibration modes suggests a biological tuning to modal compartmentalization
M Rodriguez, E De Langre, B Moulia
American journal of botany 95 (12), 1523-1537, 2008
A frequency lock-in mechanism in the interaction between wind and crop canopies
C Py, E De Langre, B Moulia
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 568, 425-449, 2006
Instability of a long ribbon hanging in axial air flow
C Lemaitre, P Hémon, E De Langre
Journal of Fluids and Structures 20 (7), 913-925, 2005
Vortex-induced travelling waves along a cable
ML Facchinetti, E de Langre, F Biolley
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 23 (1), 199-208, 2004
Vortex-induced vibrations and waves under shear flow with a wake oscillator model
L Mathelin, E De Langre
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 24 (4), 478-490, 2005
Fluides et solides
E De Langre
Editions Ecole Polytechnique, 2001
Modelling waving crops using large-eddy simulation: comparison with experiments and a linear stability analysis
S Dupont, F Gosselin, C Py, E De Langre, P Hemon, Y Brunet
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 652, 5-44, 2010
Flutter of long flexible cylinders in axial flow
E de Langre, MP Païdoussis, O Doaré, Y Modarres-Sadeghi
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 571, 371-389, 2007
Local and global instability of fluid-conveying pipes on elastic foundations
O Doaré, E de Langre
Journal of fluids and structures 16 (1), 1-14, 2002
On the efficiency of energy harvesting using vortex-induced vibrations of cables
C Grouthier, S Michelin, R Bourguet, Y Modarres-Sadeghi, E De Langre
Journal of Fluids and Structures 49, 427-440, 2014
Drag reduction by reconfiguration of a poroelastic system
FP Gosselin, E De Langre
Journal of Fluids and Structures 27 (7), 1111-1123, 2011
Energy harvesting from axial fluid-elastic instabilities of a cylinder
K Singh, S Michelin, E De Langre
Journal of Fluids and Structures 30, 159-172, 2012
On the scaling of drag reduction by reconfiguration in plants
E De Langre, A Gutierrez, J Cossé
Comptes Rendus Mécanique 340 (1-2), 35-40, 2012
Fluctuating forces caused by internal two-phase flow on bends and tees
JL Riverin, E De Langre, MJ Pettigrew
Journal of sound and vibration 298 (4-5), 1088-1098, 2006
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Articles 1–20