Steven Schrock
Steven Schrock
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Cited by
Capacity of freeway work zone lane closures
T Maze, SD Schrock, A Kamyab
work 6 (8), 12, 2000
Estimating dynamic origin-destination data and travel demand using cell phone network data
MH Wang, SD Schrock, N Vander Broek, T Mulinazzi
International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research 11, 76-86, 2013
An analysis of fatal work zone crashes in Texas
SD Schrock, GL Ullman, AS Cothron, E Kraus, AP Voigt
Report FHW A/TX-05/0-4028 1, 2004
Evaluation of work zone speed reduction measures
T Maze, A Kamyab, S Schrock
Comparison of portable speed measurement devices
TJ Gates, SD Schrock, JA Bonneson
Transportation research record 1870 (1), 139-146, 2004
Highway bridge maintenance planning and scheduling
MA Hurt, SD Schrock
Butterworth-Heinemann, 2016
Evaluation of innovative traffic safety devices at short-term work zones.
MH Wang, SD Schrock, Y Bai, RA Rescot
Kansas. Dept. of Transportation, 2013
Estimating highway pavement damage costs attributed to truck traffic
Y Bai, SD Schrock, TE Mulinazzi, W Hou, C Liu, U Firman
Developing a regional safety performance function for rural two-lane highways
C Bornheimer, SD Schrock, MH Wang, H Lubliner
Transportation Research Board 91st Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2012
The challenges impeding traffic safety improvements in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
H Mohammed, D Jaff, S Schrock
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 2, 100029, 2019
Field evaluations and driver comprehension studies of horizontal signing
ST Chrysler, SD Schrock
Texas Transportation Institute, Texas A & M University System, 2005
Calibration of the Highway Safety Manual prediction method for rural Kansas highways
H Lubliner, SD Schrock
Transportation Research Board 91st Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2012
Flashing message features on changeable message signs
CL Dudek, SD Schrock, GL Ullman, ST Chrysler
Transportation research record 1959 (1), 122-129, 2006
Feasibility of real-time remote speed enforcement for work zones
MD Fontaine, SD Schrock, G Ullman
Transportation research record 1818 (1), 25-31, 2002
Analysis of the effects of adaptive cruise control on driver behavior and awareness using a driving simulator
VC Kummetha, A Kondyli, SD Schrock
Journal of Transportation Safety & Security 12 (5), 587-610, 2020
Field evaluation of vegetation growth in geocell-reinforced unpaved shoulders
J Guo, J Han, SD Schrock, RL Parsons
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 43 (5), 403-411, 2015
Safety analysis of work zone complexity with respect to driver characteristics—A simulator study employing performance and gaze measures
VC Kummetha, A Kondyli, EG Chrysikou, SD Schrock
Accident Analysis & Prevention 142, 105566, 2020
Access management handbook
T Maze, D Plazak, J Witmer, S Schrock
Implications of distracted driving on start-up lost time for dual left-turn lanes
DS Hurwitz, KP Heaslip, SD Schrock, J Swake, P Marnell, H Tuss, ...
Journal of transportation engineering 139 (9), 923-930, 2013
A review of traffic management and enforcement problems and improvement options at high-volume, high-speed work zones in texas
GL Ullman, MD Fontaine, SD Schrock, PB Wiles
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Articles 1–20