Liili Abuladze
Liili Abuladze
Estonian Institute for Population Studies, Tallinn University
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Small babies, big risks: global estimates of prevalence and mortality for vulnerable newborns to accelerate change and improve counting
JE Lawn, EO Ohuma, E Bradley, LS Idueta, E Hazel, YB Okwaraji, ...
The Lancet 401 (10389), 1707-1719, 2023
Fertility and family policies in Central and Eastern Europe after 1990
T Frejka, S Gietel-Basten, L Abolina, L Abuladze, S Aksyonova, AĎ Akrap, ...
Comparative Population Studies, 2016
Associations between self-rated health and health behaviour among older adults in Estonia: a cross-sectional analysis
L Abuladze, N Kunder, K Lang, S Vaask
BMJ open 7 (6), e013257, 2017
Childbearing among first-and second-generation Russians in Estonia against the background of the sending and host countries
A Puur, L Rahnu, L Abuladze, L Sakkeus, S Zakharov
Demographic research 36, 1209-1254, 2017
Measures of ageism in the labour market in international social studies
L Abuladze, J Perek-Białas
Contemporary perspectives on ageism, 461-491, 2018
Fertility and family policies in Central and Eastern Europe
S Basten, T Frejka, L Abolina, L Abuladze, S Aksyonova, A Akrap, ...
Barnett Papers in Social Research, 2014
Fertility intentions and views on gender roles: Russian women in Estonia from an origin-destination perspective
A Puur, H Vseviov, L Abuladze
Comparative Population Studies 43, 2018
Trends in caesarean section rates in Europe from 2015 to 2019 using Robson's Ten Group Classification System: A Euro‐Peristat study
M Amyx, M Philibert, A Farr, S Donati, AK Smárason, V Tica, P Velebil, ...
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 131 (4), 444-454, 2024
L Sakkeus, L Abuladze
SHARE Wave 4: Innovations and Methodology, 11-13, 2013
27 Social networks and everyday activity limitations
L Abuladze, L Sakkeus
Active ageing and solidarity between generations in Europe, 311, 2013
Neonatal mortality risk for vulnerable newborn types in 15 countries using 125.5 million nationwide birth outcome records, 2000–2020
L Suárez‐Idueta, H Blencowe, YB Okwaraji, J Yargawa, E Bradley, ...
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 2023
The formation of ethnically mixed partnerships in Estonia: A stalling trend from a two-sided perspective
A Puur, L Rahnu, L Sakkeus, M Klesment, L Abuladze
Demographic Research 38, 1111-1154, 2018
Stillbirths: Contribution of preterm birth and size‐for‐gestational age for 125.4 million total births from nationwide records in 13 countries, 2000–2020
YB Okwaraji, L Suárez‐Idueta, EO Ohuma, E Bradley, J Yargawa, ...
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 2023
Population birth data and pandemic readiness in Europe
EPR Network, U Rodin, T Kyprianou, V Scoutellas, P Velebil, L Mortensen, ...
Bjog 129 (2), 179, 2021
Factors associated with incidence of depressiveness among the middle-aged and older Estonian population
L Abuladze, G Opikova, K Lang
SAGE Open Medicine 8, 2050312120974167, 2020
Migration effects of fertility. The case of Russian migrants in Estonia
L Abuladze, L van Wissen, L Rahnu, A Rijken
XXVII IUSSP International Population Conference, 2013
1.5. Rahvastiku prognoos erinevate rände stsenaariumide korral
L Sakkeus, J McKibben, A Puur, L Rahnu, L Abuladze
LeverAge: A European network to leverage the multi-age workforce
J Marcus, S Scheibe, D Kooij, DM Truxillo, S Zaniboni, L Abuladze, ...
Work, Aging and Retirement 10 (4), 309-316, 2024
Neonatal mortality risk of large‐for‐gestational‐age and macrosomic live births in 15 countries, including 115.6 million nationwide linked records, 2000–2020
L Suárez‐Idueta, EO Ohuma, CJ Chang, EA Hazel, J Yargawa, ...
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 2023
Non-marital childbearing of migrants and their descendants: Russians in Estonia compared with Russians in Russia and Estonians
L Sakkeus, L Abuladze, L Rahnu, A Puur
Revue d'études comparatives Est-Ouest, 69-113, 2019
Il sistema al momento non puň eseguire l'operazione. Riprova piů tardi.
Articoli 1–20