Reiner Lenz
Reiner Lenz
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Three-dimensional microscopy using a confocal laser scanning microscope
K Carlsson, PE Danielsson, R Lenz, A Liljeborg, L Majlöf, N Åslund
Optics letters 10 (2), 53-55, 1985
Group theoretical methods in image processing
R Lenz
Springer, 1990
Evaluation of methods for shaded surface display of CT volumes
M Magnusson, R Lenz, PE Danielsson
Computerized medical imaging and graphics 15 (4), 247-256, 1991
Evaluation and unification of some methods for estimating reflectance spectra from RGB images
V Heikkinen, R Lenz, T Jetsu, J Parkkinen, M Hauta-Kasari, ...
JOSA A 25 (10), 2444-2458, 2008
Unsupervised filtering of color spectra
R Lenz, M Österberg, J Hiltunen, T Jaaskelainen, J Parkkinen
JOSA A 13 (7), 1315-1324, 1996
Efficient invariant representations
P Meer, R Lenz, S Ramakrishna
International Journal of Computer Vision 26, 137-152, 1998
Color emotions for multi‐colored images
M Solli, R Lenz
Color Research & Application 36 (3), 210-221, 2011
Generalized co-occurrence matrix for multispectral texture analysis
M Hauta-Kasari, J Parkkinen, T Jaaskelainen, R Lenz
Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition 2, 785-789, 1996
Color based bags-of-emotions
M Solli, R Lenz
International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, 573-580, 2009
Light scattering and ink penetration effects on tone reproduction
L Yang, R Lenz, B Kruse
JOSA A 18 (2), 360-366, 2001
Point configuration invariants under simultaneous projective and permutation transformations
R Lenz, P Meer
Pattern recognition 27 (11), 1523-1532, 1994
Modified gradient search for level set based image segmentation
T Andersson, G Lathen, R Lenz, M Borga
IEEE Transactions on image processing 22 (2), 621-630, 2012
Color semantics for image indexing
M Solli, R Lenz
CGIV 2010/MCS'10 5th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and …, 2010
Group invariant pattern recognition
R Lenz
Pattern Recognition 23 (1-2), 199-217, 1990
Display of density volumes
R Lenz, B Gudmundsson, B Lindskog, PE Danielsson
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 6 (7), 20-29, 1986
Color measurements with a consumer digital camera using spectral estimation techniques
M Solli, M Andersson, R Lenz, B Kruse
Image Analysis: 14th Scandinavian Conference, SCIA 2005, Joensuu, Finland …, 2005
Multi-spectral texture segmentation based on the spectral cooccurrence matrix
M Hauta-Kasari, J Parkkinen, T Jaaskelainen, R Lenz
Pattern Analysis & Applications 2, 275-284, 1999
Spectral‐based illumination estimation and color correction
R Lenz, P Meer, M Hauta‐Kasari
Color Research & Application: Endorsed by Inter‐Society Color Council, The …, 1999
Optimal filters for the detection of linear patterns in 2-D and higher dimensional images
R Lenz
Pattern Recognition 20 (2), 163-172, 1987
Correspondence of coplanar features through P2-invariant representations
P Meer, S Ramakrishna, R Lenz
Applications of Invariance in Computer Vision: Second Joint European—US …, 1994
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Articles 1–20