Shirsendu Sikdar (PhD, Structural Health Monitoring)
Shirsendu Sikdar (PhD, Structural Health Monitoring)
Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering, School of Computing and Engineering, University of Huddersfield
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Cited by
Acoustic emission data based deep learning approach for classification and detection of damage-sources in a composite panel
S Sikdar, D Liu, A Kundu
Composites Part B: Engineering 228, 109450, 2022
Identification of disbond and high density core region in a honeycomb composite sandwich structure using ultrasonic guided waves
S Sikdar, S Banerjee
Composite Structures 152, 568-578, 2016
Damage-induced acoustic emission source monitoring in a honeycomb sandwich composite structure
S Sikdar, P Mirgal, S Banerjee, W Ostachowicz
Composites Part B: Engineering 158, 179-188, 2019
Online detection of barely visible low-speed impact damage in 3D-core sandwich composite structure
S Sikdar, P Kudela, M Radzieński, A Kundu, W Ostachowicz
Composite Structures 185, 646-655, 2018
Effects of debonding on Lamb wave propagation in a bonded composite structure under variable temperature conditions
S Sikdar, P Fiborek, P Kudela, S Banerjee, W Ostachowicz
Smart Materials and Structures 28 (1), 015021, 2018
Damage-induced acoustic emission source identification in an advanced sandwich composite structure
S Sikdar, W Ostachowicz, J Pal
Composite Structures 202, 860-866, 2018
Multi step structural health monitoring approaches in debonding assessment in a sandwich honeycomb composite structure using ultrasonic guided waves
K Balasubramaniam, S Sikdar, R Soman, P Malinowski
Measurement 194, 111057, 2022
A deep-learning approach for health monitoring of a steel frame structure with bolted connections
J Pal, S Sikdar, S Banerjee
Structural Control and Health Monitoring 29 (2), e2873, 2022
Ultrasonic Lamb wave‐based debonding monitoring of advanced honeycomb sandwich composite structures
S Sikdar, W Ostachowicz
Strain 55 (1), e12302, 2019
Ultrasonic guided wave propagation and disbond identification in a honeycomb composite sandwich structure using bonded piezoelectric wafer transducers
S Sikdar, S Banerjee, G Ashish
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 27 (13), 1767-1779, 2016
Guided wave propagation in a honeycomb composite sandwich structure in presence of a high density core
S Sikdar, S Banerjee
Ultrasonics 71, 86-97, 2016
Structural health monitoring of advanced composites using guided waves: online monitoring of defects/discontinuities in advanced composite structures using ultrasonic guided …
S Sikdar, S Banerjee
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2017
An Optimized Data Fusion Strategy for Structural Damage Assessment using Electromechanical Impedance
S Singh, S Sikdar, P Malinowski
Smart Materials and Structures 30, 2021
Nondestructive analysis of core-junction and joint-debond effects in advanced composite structure
S Sikdar, W Ostachowicz
Polymer Testing 73, 31-38, 2019
Modelling and optimization of the absorption rate of date palm fiber reinforced composite using response surface methodology
R Benyettou, S Amroune, M Slamani, K Saada, H Fouad, M Jawaid, ...
Alexandria Engineering Journal 79, 545-555, 2023
Bag of visual words based machine learning framework for disbond characterisation in composite sandwich structures using guided waves
S Sikdar, J Pal
Smart Materials and Structures 30 (7), 075016, 2021
Nonlinear elastic wave propagation and breathing-debond identification in a smart composite structure
S Sikdar, WV Paepegem, W Ostachowicz, M Kersemans
Composites Part B: Engineering 200, 108304, 2020
Ultrasonic Guided Wave Signal Based Nondestructive Testing of a Bonded Composite Structure Using Piezoelectric Transducers
K Balasubramaniam, S Sikdar, P Fiborek, P Malinowski
Signals 2 (1), 13-24, 2021
Deep learning for automatic assessment of breathing-debonds in stiffened composite panels using non-linear guided wave signals
S Sikdar, W Ostachowicz, A Kundu
Composite Structures 312, 116876, 2023
Guided wave based nondestructive analysis of localized inhomogeneity effects in an advanced sandwich composite structure
S Sikdar, S Banerjee
Composites Part B: Engineering 176, 107195, 2019
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Articles 1–20