Jean-Luc Gaudiot
Jean-Luc Gaudiot
Professor, EECS, UC Irvine
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Cited by
Network resilience: A measure of network fault tolerance
W Najjar, JL Gaudiot
IEEE transactions on computers 39 (2), 174-181, 2002
Secure data storage and recovery in industrial blockchain network environments
W Liang, Y Fan, KC Li, D Zhang, JL Gaudiot
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 16 (10), 6543-6552, 2020
Creating autonomous vehicle systems
S Liu, L Li, J Tang, S Wu, JL Gaudiot
Morgan & Claypool, 2018
Computer architectures for autonomous driving
S Liu, J Tang, Z Zhang, JL Gaudiot
Computer 50 (8), 18-25, 2017
Enabling deep learning on IoT devices
J Tang, D Sun, S Liu, JL Gaudiot
Computer 50 (10), 92-96, 2017
A simple high-speed multiplier design
JY Kang, JL Gaudiot
IEEE Transactions on computers 55 (10), 1253-1258, 2006
A novel spatial-temporal multi-scale alignment graph neural network security model for vehicles prediction
C Diao, D Zhang, W Liang, KC Li, Y Hong, JL Gaudiot
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 24 (1), 904-914, 2022
Advanced topics in data-flow computing
JL Gaudiot, L Bic
(No Title), 1991
Learning spatiotemporal T-junctions for occlusion detection
N Apostoloff, A Fitzgibbon
2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2005
SMT layout overhead and scalability
J Burns, JL Gaudiot
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 13 (2), 142-155, 2002
Detecting malicious attacks exploiting hardware vulnerabilities using performance counters
C Li, JL Gaudiot
2019 IEEE 43rd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC …, 2019
A unified cloud platform for autonomous driving
S Liu, J Tang, C Wang, Q Wang, JL Gaudiot
Computer 50 (12), 42-49, 2017
Sructure Handling in Data-Flow Systems
JL Gaudiot
IEEE Transactions on Computers 100 (6), 489-502, 1986
Advanced topics in dataflow computing and multithreading
L Bic, GR Gao, JL Guadiot
IEEE Computer society press, 1994
Online detection of spectre attacks using microarchitectural traces from performance counters
C Li, JL Gaudiot
2018 30th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High …, 2018
Achieving energy efficiency through runtime partial reconfiguration on reconfigurable systems
S Liu, RN Pittman, A Forin, JL Gaudiot
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 12 (3), 1-21, 2013
The Sisal model of functional programming and its implementation
JL Gaudiot, W Bohm, W Najjar, T DeBoni, J Feo, P Miller
Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Parallel Algorithms …, 1997
Synchronization-aware energy management for VFI-based multicore real-time systems
JJ Han, X Wu, D Zhu, H Jin, LT Yang, JL Gaudiot
IEEE Transactions on Computers 61 (12), 1682-1696, 2012
Parallel sparse approximate inverse preconditioning on graphic processing units
MM Dehnavi, DM Fernandez, JL Gaudiot, DD Giannacopoulos
IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems 24 (9), 1852-1862, 2012
Nomadic threads: A migrating multithreaded approach to remote memory accesses in multiprocessors
S Jenks, JL Gaudiot
Proceedings of the 1996 Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation …, 1996
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Articles 1–20