Sinéad Monaghan
Sinéad Monaghan
Associate Professor of International Business & Global Strategy, Trinity Business School, Trinity
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Born digitals: Thoughts on their internationalization and a research agenda
S Monaghan, E Tippmann, N Coviello
Journal of International Business Studies 51 (1), 11-22, 2020
Scale-up modes: Profiling activity configurations in scaling strategies
D Piaskowska, E Tippmann, S Monaghan
Long Range Planning 54 (6), 102101, 2021
Becoming a Multinational Enterprise: Using Industry Recipes to Achieve Rapid Multinationalization
S Monaghan, E Tippmann
Journal of International Business Studies, 2018
Weathering the storm? Multinational companies and human resource management through the global financial crisis
P Gunnigle, J Lavelle, S Monaghan
International Journal of Manpower 34 (3), 214-231, 2013
“Courting the multinational”: Subnational institutional capacity and foreign market insidership
S Monaghan, P Gunnigle, J Lavelle
Journal of International Business Studies 45, 131-150, 2014
Mapping networks: Exploring the utility of social network analysis in management research and practice
S Monaghan, J Lavelle, P Gunnigle
Journal of Business Research 76, 136-144, 2017
Global scaling as a logic of multinationalization
AR Reuber, E Tippmann, S Monaghan
Journal of International Business Studies 52, 1031-1046, 2021
Early career attitudes and satisfaction during recession
D O'Shea, S Monaghan, T D. Ritchie
Journal of Managerial Psychology 29 (3), 226-245, 2014
Navigating the paradox of global scaling
E Tippmann, S Monaghan, RA Reuber
Global Strategy Journal 13 (4), 735-773, 2023
Attraction and retention of foreign direct investment (FDI): The role of subnational institutions in a small, highly globalised economy
S Monaghan
Irish Journal of Management 31 (2), 45, 2012
Multinational companies and human resource management in Ireland during recession: A retrospective from a highly globalized economy
P Gunnigle, J Lavelle, S Monaghan
Thunderbird International Business Review 61 (3), 481-489, 2019
Multinationals and regional economies: embedding the regime shoppers?
P Almond, MG Menendez, P Gunnigle, J Lavelle, DL Balbona, ...
Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 20 (2), 237-253, 2014
Entrepreneurial finance and HRM practices in small firms
F Di Pietro, S Monaghan, M O'Hagan‐Luff
British Journal of Management 33 (1), 327-345, 2022
Firm-location dynamics and subnational institutions: creating a framework for collocation advantages
S Monaghan, P Gunnigle, J Lavelle
Industry and Innovation 25 (3), 242-263, 2018
Subnational location capital: The role of subnational institutional actors and socio‐spatial factors on firm location
SM Monaghan, P Gunnigle, J Lavelle
British Journal of Management 31 (3), 618-635, 2020
Global scaling: An inherent paradox and its navigation
E Tippmann, RA Reuber, S Monaghan
Academy of Management Global Proceedings, 187, 2018
Multinational Corporations, Sub-national Governance and Human Resources: A Cross-national Comparison for Europe
P Almond, A Ferner, MG Menendez, J Lavelle, DL Balbona, S Monaghan
Strategies of Multinational Corporations and Social Regulations: European …, 2014
Entrepreneurial Finance and HRM Practices in Small Firms
M O'Hagan Luff, S Monaghan
Investigating the Status of Egyptian Entrepreneurship in an era of Revolution and Reforms
Y Ragab, M Ragab, S Monaghan
European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 504-512, 2020
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