Elizabeth Umphress
Elizabeth Umphress
Management and Organizations, University of Washington
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Unethical behavior in the name of the company: the moderating effect of organizational identification and positive reciprocity beliefs on unethical pro-organizational behavior.
EE Umphress, JB Bingham, MS Mitchell
Journal of Applied Psychology 95 (4), 769, 2010
When employees do bad things for good reasons: Examining unethical pro-organizational behaviors
EE Umphress, JB Bingham
Organization Science 22 (3), 621-640, 2011
Is virtue its own reward? Self-sacrificial decisions for the sake of fairness
CJ Turillo, R Folger, JJ Lavelle, EE Umphress, JO Gee
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 89 (1), 839-865, 2002
The role of instrumental and expressive social ties in employees' perceptions of organizational justice
EE Umphress, G Labianca, DJ Brass, E Kass, L Scholten
Organization science 14 (6), 738-753, 2003
Building houses on rocks: The role of the ethical infrastructure in organizations
AE Tenbrunsel, K Smith-Crowe, EE Umphress
Social justice research 16 (3), 285-307, 2003
Community matters: Realistic group conflict theory and the impact of diversity
AP Brief, EE Umphress, J Dietz, JW Burrows, RM Butz, L Scholten
Academy of Management Journal 48 (5), 830-844, 2005
Emulation in academia: Balancing structure and identity
G Labianca, JF Fairbank, JB Thomas, DA Gioia, EE Umphress
Organization Science 12 (3), 312-330, 2001
When birds of a feather flock together and when they do not: status composition, social dominance orientation, and organizational attractiveness.
EE Umphress, K Smith-Crowe, AP Brief, J Dietz, MB Watkins
Journal of Applied Psychology 92 (2), 396, 2007
Managing discrimination in selection: the influence of directives from an authority and social dominance orientation.
EE Umphress, AL Simmons, WR Boswell, MC Triana
Journal of Applied Psychology 93 (5), 982, 2008
Fairness from the top: Perceived procedural justice and collaborative problem solving in new product development
H Li, JB Bingham, EE Umphress
Organization Science 18 (2), 200-216, 2007
High procedural fairness heightens the effect of outcome favorability on self-evaluations: An attributional analysis
J Brockner, L Heuer, N Magner, R Folger, E Umphress, K van den Bos, ...
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 91 (1), 51-68, 2003
Compassion organizing: Employees' satisfaction with corporate philanthropic disaster response and reduced job strain
MB Watkins, R Ren, EE Umphress, WR Boswell, MC Triana, A Zardkoohi
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 88 (2), 436-458, 2015
To help my supervisor: Identification, moral identity, and unethical pro-supervisor behavior
HH Johnson, EE Umphress
Journal of Business Ethics, 1-16, 2018
Formal infrastructure and ethical decision making: An empirical investigation and implications for supply management
D Rottig, X Koufteros, E Umphress
Decision Sciences 42 (1), 163-204, 2011
It’s Not Black and White: Toward a Contingency Perspective on the Consequences of Being a Token
MB Watkins, A Simmons, E Umphress
Academy of Management Perspectives 33 (3), 334-365, 2019
Observer reactions to interpersonal injustice: The roles of perpetrator intent and victim perception
EE Umphress, AL Simmons, R Folger, R Ren, R Bobocel
Journal of Organizational Behavior 34 (3), 327-349, 2013
The ethics “fix”: When formal systems make a difference
K Smith-Crowe, AE Tenbrunsel, S Chan-Serafin, AP Brief, EE Umphress, ...
Journal of Business Ethics 131 (4), 791-801, 2015
Leader social accounts of subordinates’ unethical behavior: Examining observer reactions to leader social accounts with moral disengagement language.
CT Dang, EE Umphress, MS Mitchell
Journal of Applied Psychology 102 (10), 1448, 2017
Misery loves company: Team dissonance and the influence of supervisor-focused interpersonal justice climate on team cohesiveness
AC Stoverink, EE Umphress, RG Gardner, KN Miner
Journal of Applied Psychology 99 (6), 1059-1073, 2014
Second-class citizen? Contract workers' perceived status, dual commitment and intent to quit
WR Boswell, MB Watkins, M del Carmen Triana, A Zardkoohi, R Ren, ...
Journal of Vocational Behavior 80 (2), 454-463, 2012
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