Anna B. Neuheimer
Anna B. Neuheimer
Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Aarhus University
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The growing degree-day and fish size-at-age: the overlooked metric
AB Neuheimer, CT Taggart
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64 (2), 375-385, 2007
Tolerance limit for fish growth exceeded by warming waters
AB Neuheimer, RE Thresher, JM Lyle, JM Semmens
Nature Climate Change 1 (2), 110-113, 2011
Near-island biological hotspots in barren ocean basins
JM Gove, MA McManus, AB Neuheimer, JJ Polovina, JC Drazen, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 10581, 2016
Characteristic Sizes of Life in the Oceans, from Bacteria to Whales
KH Andersen, T Berge, RJ Gonçalves, M Hartvig, J Heuschele, ...
Annu. Rev. Mar. Sci. 8, 3.1-3.25, 2016
Functional responses and ecosystem dynamics: how clearance rates explain the influence of satiation, food-limitation and acclimation
WC Gentleman, AB Neuheimer
Journal of Plankton Research 30 (11), 1215-1231, 2008
Density‐and size‐dependent mortality in fish early life stages
LC Stige, LA Rogers, AB Neuheimer, ME Hunsicker, NA Yaragina, ...
Fish and Fisheries 20 (5), 962-976, 2019
Climate effects on size‐at‐age: Growth in warming waters compensates for earlier maturity in an exploited marine fish
AB Neuheimer, P Grønkjær
Global Change Biology, 2012
Environmental and bathymetric influences on abyssal bait-attending communities of the Clarion Clipperton Zone
AB Leitner, AB Neuheimer, E Donlon, CR Smith, JC Drazen
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 125, 65-80, 2017
Can changes in length-at-age and maturation timing in Scotian Shelf haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) be explained by fishing?
AB Neuheimer, CT Taggart
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 67 (5), 854-865, 2010
Overconfidence in model projections
K Brander, A Neuheimer, KH Andersen, M Hartvig
ICES Journal of Marine Science 70 (6), 1065-1068, 2013
Adult and offspring size in the ocean over 17 orders of magnitude follows two life history strategies
AB Neuheimer, M Hartvig, J Heuschele, S Hylander, T Kiørboe, ...
Ecology 96 (12), 3303-3311, 2015
Evidence for long-term seamount-induced chlorophyll enhancements
AB Leitner, AB Neuheimer, JC Drazen
Scientific reports 10 (1), 12729, 2020
Modelling copepod development: current limitations and a new realistic approach
WC Gentleman, AB Neuheimer, RG Campbell
ICES Journal of Marine Science 65 (3), 399-413, 2008
Temperature-dependent adaptation allows fish to meet their food across their species’ range
AB Neuheimer, BR MacKenzie, MR Payne
Science Advances 4 (7), eaar4349, 2018
Explaining life history variation in a changing climate across a species' range
AB Neuheimer, BR MacKenzie
Ecology 95 (12), 3364-3375, 2014
Match-mismatch dynamics in the Norwegian-Barents Sea system
ASA Ferreira, LC Stige, AB Neuheimer, B Bogstad, N Yaragina, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 650, 81-94, 2020
Differences in foraging activity of deep sea diving odontocetes in the Ligurian Sea as determined by passive acoustic recorders
G Giorli, WWL Au, A Neuheimer
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 107, 1-8, 2016
How to build and use individual-based models (IBMs) as hypothesis testing tools
AB Neuheimer, WC Gentleman, P Pepin, EJH Head
Journal of Marine Systems 81 (1-2), 122-133, 2010
Modeling larval Calanus finmarchicus on Georges Bank: time‐varying mortality rates and a cannibalism hypothesis
AB Neuheimer, WC Gentleman, CL Galloway, CL Johnson
Fisheries Oceanography 18 (3), 147-160, 2009
Explaining regional variability in copepod recruitment: Implications for a changing climate
AB Neuheimer, WC Gentleman, P Pepin, EJH Head
Progress in Oceanography 87 (1-4), 94-105, 2010
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Articles 1–20