Daniel Contreras
Daniel Contreras
Associate Professor, Anthropology, University of Florida
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Summed radiocarbon calibrations as a population proxy: a critical evaluation using a realistic simulation approach
DA Contreras, J Meadows
Journal of Archaeological Science 52, 591-608, 2014
Open science in archaeology
B Marwick, J d’Alpoim Guedes, CM Barton, LA Bates, M Baxter, A Bevan, ...
SAA Archaeological Record 17 (4), 8-14, 2017
The utility of publicly-available satellite imagery for investigating looting of archaeological sites in Jordan
DA Contreras, N Brodie
Journal of Field Archaeology 35 (1), 101-114, 2010
La cronología de Chavín de Huántar y sus implicancias para el Periodo Formativo
JW Rick, C Mesia, D Contreras, SR Kembel, RM Rick, M Sayre, J Wolf
Boletín de Arqueología PUCP, 87-132, 2009
Landscape and environment: insights from the prehispanic Central Andes
DA Contreras
Journal of Archaeological Research 18, 241-288, 2010
Huaqueros and remote sensing imagery: assessing looting damage in the Virú Valley, Peru
DA Contreras
Antiquity 84 (324), 544-555, 2010
Correlation is not enough: Building better arguments in the archaeology of human-environment interactions
DA Contreras
The archaeology of human-environment interactions, 17-36, 2016
Earliest occupation of the Central Aegean (Naxos), Greece: Implications for hominin and Homo sapiens’ behavior and dispersals
T Carter, DA Contreras, J Holcomb, DD Mihailović, P Karkanas, G Guérin, ...
Science Advances 5 (10), eaax0997, 2019
Olive cultivation in the heart of the Persian Achaemenid Empire: new insights into agricultural practices and environmental changes reflected in a late Holocene pollen record …
M Djamali, MD Jones, J Migliore, S Balatti, M Fader, D Contreras, ...
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 25, 255-269, 2016
The Stélida Naxos archaeological project: new data on the Middle Palaeolithic and Mesolithic cyclades
T Carter, D Contreras, S Doyle, DD Mihailovic, T Moutsiou, N Skarpelis
Antiquity 88, 341, 2014
How far to Conchucos? A GIS approach to assessing the implications of exotic materials at Chavin de Huantar
DA Contreras
World Archaeology 43 (3), 380-397, 2011
Quarrying evidence at the Quispisisa obsidian source, Ayacucho, Peru
N Tripcevich, DA Contreras
Latin American Antiquity 22 (1), 121-136, 2011
Pastoral Neolithic settlement at Luxmanda, Tanzania
KM Grillo, ME Prendergast, DA Contreras, T Fitton, AO Gidna, ...
Journal of Field Archaeology 43 (2), 102-120, 2018
The economics of the looted archaeological site of Bâb edh-Dhrâ': a view from Google Earth
N Brodie, DA Contreras
All The Kings Horses: Essays on the Impact of Looting and the Illicit …, 2012
The archaeology of human-environment interactions: Strategies for investigating anthropogenic landscapes, dynamic environments, and climate change in the human past
D Contreras
Taylor & Francis, 2016
Archaeological approaches to obsidian quarries: Investigations at the Quispisisa source
N Tripcevich, DA Contreras
Mining and quarrying in the Ancient Andes: Sociopolitical, economic, and …, 2012
Reaching the human scale: A spatial and temporal downscaling approach to the archaeological implications of paleoclimate data
D Contreras, J Guiot, R Suarez, A Kirman
Journal of Archaeological Science 93, 54-67, 2018
Reconstructing landscape at Chavín de Huántar, Perú: a GIS-based approach
DA Contreras
Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (4), 1006-1017, 2009
Characterization of the siliceous rocks at Stélida, an early prehistoric lithic quarry (Northwest Naxos, Greece), by petrography and geochemistry: A first step towards chert …
N Skarpelis, T Carter, DA Contreras, DD Mihailović
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 12, 819-833, 2017
Spherulites and aspiring elites: the identification, distribution, and consumption of Giali obsidian (Dodecanese, Greece)
T Carter, DA Contreras, K Campeau, K Freund
Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 29 (1), 3--36, 2016
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Articles 1–20