Ramaciotti Laura
Ramaciotti Laura
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Cited by
Cited by
The effects of university rules on spinoff creation: The case of academia in Italy
A Muscio, D Quaglione, L Ramaciotti
Research Policy 45 (7), 1386-1396, 2016
The effect of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations on academics’ entrepreneurial intention
D Antonioli, F Nicolli, L Ramaciotti, U Rizzo
Administrative Sciences 6 (4), 15, 2016
The determinants of academic spin‐off creation by I talian universities
L Ramaciotti, U Rizzo
R&D Management 45 (5), 501-514, 2015
How does academia influence Ph. D. entrepreneurship? New insights on the entrepreneurial university
A Muscio, L Ramaciotti
Technovation 82, 16-24, 2019
The impact of hard and soft policy measures on new technology-based firms
L Ramaciotti, A Muscio, U Rizzo
Regional Studies 51 (4), 629-642, 2017
The complex relationship between academic engagement and research output: Evidence from Italy
A Muscio, L Ramaciotti, U Rizzo
Science and Public Policy 44 (2), 235-245, 2017
Migration, ethnic concentration and firm entry: evidence from Italian regions
G Bettin, P Bianchi, F Nicolli, L Ramaciotti, U Rizzo
Regional Studies 53 (1), 55-66, 2019
The determinants of academic patenting by Italian universities
U Rizzo, L Ramaciotti
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 26 (4), 469-483, 2014
Universities and start-up creation by Ph. D. graduates: the role of scientific and social capital of academic laboratories
A Muscio, S Shibayama, L Ramaciotti
The Journal of Technology Transfer, 1-29, 2021
The division of labour between academia and industry for the generation of radical inventions
U Rizzo, N Barbieri, L Ramaciotti, D Iannantuono
The Journal of Technology Transfer 45, 393-413, 2020
La valorizzazione della ricerca universitaria mediante l'interpolazione dei saperi. Infrastrutture materiali ed immateriali
L Poma, L Ramaciotti
L'industria 29 (1), 269-298, 2008
From services dealers to innovation brokers: How open innovation paradigm affects incubator activities. Evidence from Italy
M Macchi, U Rizzo, L Ramaciotti
Journal of Intellectual Capital 15 (4), 554-575, 2014
Unire i puntini per completare il disegno dell'innovazione
A Bax, S Corrieri, C Daniele, L Guarnieri, R Parente, A Piccaluga, ...
Rapporto di Ricerca, Maria Pacini Fazzi Editore, 2014
Protagonisti dell’ecosistema dell’innovazione
L Ramaciotti, C Daniele
XII Rapporto Netval sulla Valorizzazione della Ricerca Pubblica Italiana, 2015
Ricerca, valorizzazione dei risultati ed impatto–
L Ramaciotti, C Daniele
XIII rapporto NETVAL sulla valorizzazione della ricerca nelle università e …, 2016
X Rapporto Netval sulla Valorizzazione della Ricerca Pubblica Italiana. Seminiamo ricerca per raccogliere innovazione.
A Bax, S Corrieri, C Daniele, L Guarnieri, A Piccaluga, L Ramaciotti
maria pacini fazzi editore, 2013
Seminiamo ricerca per raccogliere innovazione
A Bax, S Corrieri, C Daniele, L Guarnieri, A Piccaluga, L Ramaciotti
X Rapporto Netval sulla valorizzazione della Ricerca Pubblica Italiana 28, 2013
Competenze, innovazione, impresa. Dal concepimento alla costituzione di imprese innovative: il caso Spinner.
L Ramaciotti, S Consiglio, S Massari
Il mulino, 2011
Creare valore all'università
L Ramaciotti
Alte tecnologie, creazione d'impresa e nuovo sviluppo locale in Emilia-Romagna, 2006
A patent-based analysis of the evolution of basic, mission-oriented, and applied research in European universities
G Angori, C Marzocchi, L Ramaciotti, U Rizzo
The Journal of Technology Transfer 49 (2), 609-641, 2024
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Articles 1–20