Yong-Su Jin
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Cited by
Marine macroalgae: an untapped resource for producing fuels and chemicals
N Wei, J Quarterman, YS Jin
Trends in biotechnology 31 (2), 70-77, 2013
Genome sequence of the lignocellulose-bioconverting and xylose-fermenting yeast Pichia stipitis
TW Jeffries, IV Grigoriev, J Grimwood, JM Laplaza, A Aerts, A Salamov, ...
Nature biotechnology 25 (3), 319-326, 2007
Metabolic engineering for improved fermentation of pentoses by yeasts
TW Jeffries, YS Jin
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 63 (5), 495-509, 2004
Engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae capable of simultaneous cellobiose and xylose fermentation
SJ Ha, JM Galazka, S Rin Kim, JH Choi, X Yang, JH Seo, N Louise Glass, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (2), 504-509, 2011
Identifying gene targets for the metabolic engineering of lycopene biosynthesis in Escherichia coli
H Alper, YS Jin, JF Moxley, G Stephanopoulos
Metabolic engineering 7 (3), 155-164, 2005
Maternal fucosyltransferase 2 status affects the gut bifidobacterial communities of breastfed infants
ZT Lewis, SM Totten, JT Smilowitz, M Popovic, E Parker, DG Lemay, ...
Microbiome 3, 1-21, 2015
Strain engineering of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for enhanced xylose metabolism
SR Kim, YC Park, YS Jin, JH Seo
Biotechnology advances 31 (6), 851-861, 2013
Ethanol and thermotolerance in the bioconversion of xylose by yeasts
TW Jeffries, YS Jin
Academic Press 47, 221-268, 2000
Enhanced biofuel production through coupled acetic acid and xylose consumption by engineered yeast
N Wei, J Quarterman, SR Kim, JHD Cate, YS Jin
Nature communications 4 (1), 2580, 2013
Production of fuels and chemicals from xylose by engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae: a review and perspective
S Kwak, YS Jin
Microbial cell factories 16, 1-15, 2017
Simultaneous co-fermentation of mixed sugars: a promising strategy for producing cellulosic ethanol
SR Kim, SJ Ha, N Wei, EJ Oh, YS Jin
Trends in biotechnology 30 (5), 274-282, 2012
Optimal Growth and Ethanol Production from Xylose by Recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae Require Moderate d-Xylulokinase Activity
YS Jin, H Ni, JM Laplaza, TW Jeffries
Applied and environmental Microbiology 69 (1), 495-503, 2003
Global metabolic interaction network of the human gut microbiota for context-specific community-scale analysis
J Sung, S Kim, JJT Cabatbat, S Jang, YS Jin, GY Jung, N Chia, PJ Kim
Nature communications 8 (1), 15393, 2017
Rational and evolutionary engineering approaches uncover a small set of genetic changes efficient for rapid xylose fermentation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
SR Kim, JM Skerker, W Kang, A Lesmana, N Wei, AP Arkin, YS Jin
PloS one 8 (2), e57048, 2013
Construction of a quadruple auxotrophic mutant of an industrial polyploid Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain by using RNA-guided Cas9 nuclease
GC Zhang, II Kong, H Kim, JJ Liu, JHD Cate, YS Jin
Applied and environmental microbiology 80 (24), 7694-7701, 2014
Bacterial genome editing with CRISPR-Cas9: deletion, integration, single nucleotide modification, and desirable “clean” mutant selection in Clostridium beijerinckii as an example
Y Wang, ZT Zhang, SO Seo, P Lynn, T Lu, YS Jin, HP Blaschek
ACS synthetic biology 5 (7), 721-732, 2016
Markerless chromosomal gene deletion in Clostridium beijerinckii using CRISPR/Cas9 system
Y Wang, ZT Zhang, SO Seo, K Choi, T Lu, YS Jin, HP Blaschek
Journal of biotechnology 200, 1-5, 2015
Saccharomyces cerevisiae Engineered for Xylose Metabolism Exhibits a Respiratory Response
YS Jin, JM Laplaza, TW Jeffries
Applied and environmental microbiology 70 (11), 6816-6825, 2004
Improvement of Xylose Uptake and Ethanol Production in Recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae through an Inverse Metabolic Engineering Approach
YS Jin, H Alper, YT Yang, G Stephanopoulos
Applied and environmental microbiology 71 (12), 8249-8256, 2005
Multi-dimensional gene target search for improving lycopene biosynthesis in Escherichia coli
YS Jin, G Stephanopoulos
Metabolic engineering 9 (4), 337-347, 2007
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Articles 1–20