Anne Tallontire
Anne Tallontire
Sustainability Research Institute, School of Earth & Environment, University of Leeds
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A gendered value chain approach to codes of conduct in African horticulture
S Barrientos, C Dolan, A Tallontire
World development 31 (9), 1511-1526, 2003
Ethical consumers and ethical trade: A review of current literature
A Tallontire, E Rentsendorj, M Blowfield
Chatham (United Kingdom) NRI, 2001
Partnerships in fair trade: reflections from a case study of Café Direct
A Tallontire
Development in practice 10 (2), 166-177, 2000
Marrying farmer cooperation and contract farming for service provision in a liberalising sub-Saharan Africa
J Coulter, A Goodland, A Tallontire, R Stringfellow
Natural resource perspectives 48, 1-4, 1999
Reaching the marginalised? Gender value chains and ethical trade in African horticulture
A Tallontire, C Dolan, S Smith, S Barrientos
Development in practice 15 (3-4), 559-571, 2005
CSR and regulation: towards a framework for understanding private standards initiatives in the agri-food chain
A Tallontire
Third World Quarterly 28 (4), 775-791, 2007
Beyond the vertical? Using value chains and governance as a framework to analyse private standards initiatives in agri-food chains
A Tallontire, M Opondo, V Nelson, A Martin
Agriculture and human values 28, 427-441, 2011
Pathways to empowerment?: dynamics of women's participation in Global Value Chains
M Said-Allsopp, A Tallontire
Journal of Cleaner Production 107, 114-121, 2015
Battlefields of ideas: Changing narratives and power dynamics in private standards in global agricultural value chains
V Nelson, A Tallontire
Agriculture and Human Values 31, 481-497, 2014
Challenges facing fair trade: which way now?
A Tallontire
Small Enterprise Development 13 (3), 12-24, 2002
The role of microfinance in household livelihood adaptation in Satkhira District, Southwest Bangladesh
A Fenton, J Paavola, A Tallontire
World Development 92, 192-202, 2017
Ethical trade in African horticulture: gender, rights and participation
S Smith, D Auret, S Barrientos, C Dolan, K Kleinbooi, C Njobvu, ...
Institute of Development Studies, 2004
Achieving fairness in trading between supermarkets and their agrifood supply chains
A Tallontire, B Vorley
UK Food Group Briefing, 12, 2005
Gender and ethical trade: a mapping of the issues in African horticulture
S Barrientos, C Dolan, A Tallontire
Natural Resources Institute, 2001
Ethical consumers and ethical trade: a review of current literature (NRI Policy Series 12)
A Tallontire, E Rentsendorj, M Blowfield
Natural Resources Institute, 2001
Top heavy? Governance issues and policy decisions for the fair trade movement
A Tallontire
Journal of International Development: The Journal of the Development Studies …, 2009
Which “fairness”, for whom, and why? An empirical analysis of plural notions of fairness in Fairtrade Carbon Projects, using Q methodology
RJ Howard, AM Tallontire, LC Stringer, RA Marchant
Environmental science & policy 56, 100-109, 2016
Autonomous adaptation to riverine flooding in Satkhira District, Bangladesh: implications for adaptation planning
A Fenton, J Paavola, A Tallontire
Regional environmental change 17, 2387-2396, 2017
Contingent spaces for smallholder participation in GlobalGAP: Insights from K enyan horticulture value chains
A Tallontire, M Opondo, V Nelson
The Geographical Journal 180 (4), 353-364, 2014
Co-producing a research agenda for sustainable palm oil
R Padfield, S Hansen, ZG Davies, A Ehrensperger, EM Slade, S Evers, ...
Frontiers in forests and global change 2, 13, 2019
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Articles 1–20