Rini Rachmawati .
Cited by
Cited by
Pengembangan smart village untuk penguatan smart city dan smart regency
R Rachmawati
Jurnal Sistem Cerdas 1 (2), 12-19, 2018
Work from Home and the Use of ICT during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia and Its Impact on Cities in the Future
R Rachmawati, U Choirunnisa, ZA Pambagyo, YA Syarafina, RA Ghiffari
Sustainability 13 (12), 6760, 2021
Innovation in coping with the COVID-19 pandemic: The best practices from five smart cities in Indonesia
R Rachmawati, ETW Mei, IW Nurani, RA Ghiffari, AA Rohmah, MA Sejati
Sustainability 13 (21), 12072, 2021
Pengembangan Perkotaan dalam Era Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi
R Rachmawati
Gadjah Mada University Press, 2014
Utilization and quality of information system for administration services based on ICT in Patehan, Kraton, Yogyakarta
AA Rohmah, R RachmawatI
Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology 4 (1), 55-63, 2019
The use of ICT-based applications to support the implementation of smart cities during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia
R Rachmawati, AD Sari, HAR Sukawan, IMA Widhyastana, RA Ghiffari
Infrastructures 6 (9), 119, 2021
Location decentralization due to the use of information and communication technology: empirical evidence from Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
R Rachmawati, R Rijanta, A Djunaedi
Human Geographies: Journal of Studies & Research in Human Geography 9 (1), 2015
Aplikasi smart province “Jogja Istimewa”: Penyediaan informasi terintegrasi dan pemanfaatannya
R Rachmawati, ER Ramadhan, AA Rohmah
Majalah Geografi Indonesia 32 (1), 14-23, 2018
Perencanaan partisipatif jalur evakuasi dan titik kumpul Desa Ngargomulyo dalam upaya pengurangan resiko bencana Gunungapi Merapi
AA Wiwaha, ETW Mei, R Rachmawati
Journal of Regional and City Planning 27 (1), 34-48, 2016
Toward better City Management through Smart City implementation.
R Rachmawati
Human Geographies--Journal of Studies & Research in Human Geography 13 (2), 2019
Kuswanto, dan SL Purnamaningsih. 2014. Uji keseragaman dan analisis sidik lintas antara karakter agronomis dengan hasil pada tujuh genotipe padi hibrida japonica
RY Rachmawati
Jurnal Produksi Tanaman 2 (4), 292-300, 2014
Population mobility and urban spatial structure: Does the use of information and communication technology matter?
R Rachmawati
地域学研究= Regional views 25, 9-19, 2012
Peranan Kampus Sebagai Pemicu Urbanisasi Spasial di Pinggiran Kota Yogyakarta
R Rachmawati, R Rijanta, LP Subanu
Majalah Geografi Indonesia 18 (1), 45-56, 2004
Kerentanan Sosial Ekonomi terhadap Bencana Banjir di Hilir DAS Citanduy Bagian Barat Kabupaten Pangandaran Jawa Barat
MR Pahleviannur, IK Ayuni, AS Widiastuti, R Umaroh, HR Aisyah, Z Afiyah, ...
Media Komunikasi Geografi 24 (2), 189-205, 2023
Virtual space utilization in the Digital SMEs Kampongs: Implementation of Smart City and Region.
R Rachmawati, SA Hapsari, AM Cita
Human Geographies: Journal of Studies & Research in Human Geography 12 (1), 2018
Pemanfaatan media center dalam pelayanan publik sebagai upaya mewujudkan Surabaya smart city
T Anggini, R Rachmawati
Jurnal Bumi Indonesia 5 (1), 2016
Membangun Kota dan Kabupaten Cerdas: Sebuah Panduan bagi Pemerintah Daerah
A Djunaedi, D Permadi, LE Nugroho, R Rachmawati, A Hidayat, ...
Best Practices of Capital City Relocation in Various Countries: Literature Review
R Rachmawati, E Haryono, RA Ghiffari, H Reinhart, FD Permatasari, ...
E3S Web of Conferences 325, 07004, 2021
Various ICT-based applications and their uses to support smart city implementation in the Regency of Blora
R Rachmawati, P Rachmadani, VN Anifa, F Lutfiana
E3S Web of Conferences 200, 07004, 2020
Use of space and the need for planning in the disaster-prone area of code river, yogyakarta, indonesia
R Rachmawati, CV Budiarti
Indonesian Journal of Geography 48 (2), 178-190, 2016
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