Dr Emma L Davies
Dr Emma L Davies
Reader in Psychology, Oxford Brookes University
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Cited by
Global Drug Survey (GDS) 2020: Psychedelics key findings report
AR Winstock, C Timmerman, E Davies, LJ Maier, A Zhuparris, JA Ferris, ...
Global Drug Survey, 2021
Effectiveness of the strengthening families programme 10–14 in Poland: cluster randomized controlled trial
DR Foxcroft, H Callen, EL Davies, K Okulicz-Kozaryn
The European Journal of Public Health 27 (3), 494-500, 2017
Comparing intentions to reduce substance use and willingness to seek help among transgender and cisgender participants from the Global Drug Survey
D Connolly, E Davies, M Lynskey, MJ Barratt, L Maier, J Ferris, A Winstock, ...
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 112, 86-91, 2020
Young people talking about alcohol: Focus groups exploring constructs in the prototype willingness model
EL Davies, J Martin, DR Foxcroft
Drugs: education, prevention and policy 20 (4), 269-277, 2013
Awareness and support: Students’ views about the prevention of sexual assault on UK campuses
SJ Camp, AC Sherlock-Smith, EL Davies
Health Education 118 (5), 431-446, 2018
Implicit alcohol attitudes predict drinking behaviour over and above intentions and willingness in young adults but willingness is more important in adolescents: Implications …
E Davies, A Paltoglou, D Foxcroft
British Journal of Health Psychology 22 (2), 238–253, 2017
Motivations for reducing alcohol consumption: An international survey exploring experiences that may lead to a change in drinking habits
EL Davies, D Conroy, AW Winstock, JA Ferris
Addictive Behaviors, 2017
Perceptions of alcohol health warning labels in a large international cross-sectional survey of people who drink alcohol
AR Winstock, J Holmes, JA Ferris, EL Davies
Alcohol and alcoholism 55 (3), 315-322, 2020
Global Drug Survey 2019: Key findings report
AR Winstock, MJ Barratt, LJ Maier, A Aldridge, A Zhuparris, E Davies, ...
Global Drug Survey, 2020
Personalized digital interventions showed no impact on risky drinking in young adults: a pilot randomized controlled trial
EL Davies, AJ Lonsdale, SE Hennelly, AR Winstock, DR Foxcroft
Alcohol and alcoholism 52 (6), 671-676, 2017
Age differences in alcohol prototype perceptions and willingness to drink in UK adolescents
EL Davies, J Martin, DR Foxcroft
Psychology, health & medicine 21 (3), 317-329, 2016
You have to be prepared to drink: Students’ views about reducing excessive alcohol consumption at university
EL Davies, C Law, SE Hennelly
Health Education 118 (1), 2-16, 2018
Perceptions of cannabis health information labels among people who use cannabis in the US and Canada
AR Winstock, MT Lynskey, LJ Maier, JA Ferris, EL Davies
International Journal of Drug Policy 91, 102789, 2021
Intention to reduce drinking alcohol and preferred sources of support: An international cross-sectional study
EL Davies, LJ Maier, AR Winstock, JA Ferris
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 99, 80-87, 2019
Resisting temptation: Alcohol specific self-efficacy mediates the impacts of compensatory health beliefs and behaviours on alcohol consumption
FAI Matley, EL Davies
Psychology, health & medicine 23 (3), 259-269, 2018
Development and acceptability of a co-produced online intervention to prevent alcohol misuse in adolescents: A think aloud study
EL Davies, J Martin, DR Foxcroft
JMIR human Factors 2 (2), e4452, 2015
Exploring Televend, an innovative combination of cryptomarket and messaging app technologies for trading prohibited drugs
MJ Barratt, FR Lamy, L Engel, E Davies, C Puljevic, JA Ferris, ...
Drug and alcohol dependence 231, 109243, 2022
Comparing transgender and cisgender experiences of being taken advantage of sexually while under the influence of alcohol and/or other drugs
D Connolly, A Aldridge, E Davies, LJ Maier, J Ferris, G Gilchrist, ...
The Journal of Sex Research 58 (9), 1112-1117, 2021
Development of an adolescent alcohol misuse intervention based on the Prototype Willingness Model: A Delphi study
EL Davies, J Martin, DR Foxcroft
Health Education 116 (3), 2016
UK university student attitudes to prosocial bystander behaviours
S Hennelly, S Hussain, T Hale, M Cadle, J Brooke, E Davies
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Articles 1–20