Braden Bagley
Cited by
Cited by
Domestic violence and pregnancy: A CBPR coalition approach to identifying needs and informing policy
CF Bright, B Bagley, I Pulliam, AS Newton
Progress in community health partnerships: research, education, and action …, 2018
Social network gap analysis evaluation: a case study of the Southeastern Health Equity Council
CF Bright, T Cozart, B Bagley, H Scott, J Dennis
Family & community health 42 (1), 44-53, 2019
To get vaccinated or not? An investigation of the relationship of linguistic assignment of agency and the intention to obtain the COVID-19 vaccine
KE Anthony, B Bagley, EL Petrun Sayers, C Forbes Bright
Atlantic Journal of Communication 30 (5), 535-548, 2022
If the Lord is willing and the creek don't rise: religious attendance and disaster recovery in the Deep South
CF Bright, R Hanks, E Sayre, A Broyles, B Bagley
Social science quarterly 100 (1), 76-88, 2019
Social vulnerability and perceptions of recovery from the 2011 Tuscaloosa tornado
CF Bright, E Sayre, R Hanks, B Bagley
Southeastern Geographer 58 (4), 328-347, 2018
Elections, news cycles, and attention to disasters
CF Bright, B Bagley
Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal 26 (4), 471-478, 2017
Sociolinguistic accommodation strategies utilized by international student-athletes & their interlocutors
H Coombs, B Bagley, R Barnhart, M Graudins
Comunicação Pública 18 (35), 2023
“Those people count”: Naloxone media coverage in Mississippi
B Bagley, CF Bright
Qualitative health research 30 (8), 1237-1248, 2020
The role of brief reports in peer-reviewed journals
BH Bagley
Utah Journal of Communication, 52-53, 2023
Framing, agency, and optimistic bias: message design considerations for the opioid crisis
BH Bagley, K Anthony, S Venette
Communication Research and Practice 8 (4), 347-363, 2022
Patient zero: Covid-19 and Rudy Gobert’s reputational crisis
BH Bagley
Sport and the Pandemic, 264-269, 2020
Uncertainty and disaster recovery: an analysis of victim perceptions utilizing the problematic integration theory
BH Bagley, C Forbes Bright, E Sayre, R Hanks, S Wraight
Qualitative research reports in communication 24 (1), 99-110, 2023
Narcan can save your loved one: Designing messages for the opioid crisis using the extended parallel process model
B Bagley
Controlled chaos: examining collaborative response to the 2017 Hattiesburg tornado
BH Bagley, K Anthony, C Bright, E Sayre, C Reif-Stice, S Venette, ...
Qualitative Research Reports in Communication 25 (1), 119-126, 2024
Salary caps
H Coombs, B Bagley
Encyclopedia of Sport Management, 825-826, 2024
Linguistic agency in disaster messaging: differing strategies for threat and efficacy perceptions
BH Bagley, KE Anthony, S Venette
Atlantic Journal of Communication, 1-13, 2024
Transcending Controversy: The Heisman Trophy Trust’s Image Repair Strategies Following OJ Simpson’s Passing
HV Coombs, BH Bagley
Utah Journal of Communication 2 (2), 124-128, 2024
The Utah Jazz Rebrand: When Fans Don't Buy in
M Taft, B Bagley
Southern Utah University, 2023
A false sense of security: The perceptions of threat and efficacy contributing to vaccine hesitancy in the Gulf States
B Bagley
Journal of Public Health in the Deep South 3 (1), 31-40, 2022
Careers, demographics, and internet availability: Predictors of social media addiction
B Bagley, H Coombs, A Mikesell
Utah Journal of Communication, 11-20, 2022
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Articles 1–20