Susan Jebb
Susan Jebb
Professor of Diet and Population Health, University of Oxford
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Healthy percentage body fat ranges: an approach for developing guidelines based on body mass index
D Gallagher, SB Heymsfield, M Heo, SA Jebb, PR Murgatroyd, ...
The American journal of clinical nutrition 72 (3), 694-701, 2000
Effects of recombinant leptin therapy in a child with congenital leptin deficiency
IS Farooqi, SA Jebb, G Langmack, E Lawrence, CH Cheetham, ...
New England journal of medicine 341 (12), 879-884, 1999
Critical evaluation of energy intake data using fundamental principles of energy physiology: 1. Derivation of cut-off limits to identify under-recording.
GR Goldberg, AE Black, SA Jebb, TJ Cole, PR Murgatroyd, WA Coward, ...
European journal of clinical nutrition 45 (12), 569-581, 1991
Beneficial effects of leptin on obesity, T cell hyporesponsiveness, and neuroendocrine/metabolic dysfunction of human congenital leptin deficiency
IS Farooqi, G Matarese, GM Lord, JM Keogh, E Lawrence, C Agwu, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 110 (8), 1093-1103, 2002
Meat consumption, health, and the environment
HCJ Godfray, P Aveyard, T Garnett, JW Hall, TJ Key, J Lorimer, ...
Science 361 (6399), eaam5324, 2018
Beyond body mass index
AM Prentice, SA Jebb
Obesity reviews 2 (3), 141-147, 2001
Obesity in Britain: gluttony or sloth?
AM Prentice, SA Jebb
Bmj 311 (7002), 437-439, 1995
Tackling obesities: future choices-project report
B Butland, S Jebb, P Kopelman, K McPherson, S Thomas, J Mardell, ...
Department of Innovation, Universities and Skills 10, 17, 2007
Body fat reference curves for children
HD McCarthy, TJ Cole, T Fry, SA Jebb, AM Prentice
International journal of obesity 30 (4), 598-602, 2006
Appetite control: methodological aspects of the evaluation of foods
J Blundell, C De Graaf, T Hulshof, S Jebb, B Livingstone, A Lluch, D Mela, ...
Obesity reviews 11 (3), 251-270, 2010
The effects of intermittent or continuous energy restriction on weight loss and metabolic disease risk markers: a randomized trial in young overweight women
MN Harvie, M Pegington, MP Mattson, J Frystyk, B Dillon, G Evans, ...
International journal of obesity 35 (5), 714-727, 2011
Diets with high or low protein content and glycemic index for weight-loss maintenance
TM Larsen, SM Dalskov, M van Baak, SA Jebb, A Papadaki, AFH Pfeiffer, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 363 (22), 2102-2113, 2010
Fast foods, energy density and obesity: a possible mechanistic link
AM Prentice, SA Jebb
Obesity reviews 4 (4), 187-194, 2003
Dominant and recessive inheritance of morbid obesity associated with melanocortin 4 receptor deficiency
IS Farooqi, GSH Yeo, JM Keogh, S Aminian, SA Jebb, G Butler, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 106 (2), 271-279, 2000
Critical evaluation of energy intake data using fundamental principles of energy physiology: 2. Evaluating the results of published surveys.
AE Black, GR Goldberg, SA Jebb, MB Livingstone, TJ Cole, AM Prentice
European journal of clinical nutrition 45 (12), 583-599, 1991
Diet or exercise interventions vs combined behavioral weight management programs: a systematic review and meta-analysis of direct comparisons
DJ Johns, J Hartmann-Boyce, SA Jebb, P Aveyard, ...
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 114 (10), 1557-1568, 2014
Living risk prediction algorithm (QCOVID) for risk of hospital admission and mortality from coronavirus 19 in adults: national derivation and validation cohort study
AK Clift, CAC Coupland, RH Keogh, K Diaz-Ordaz, E Williamson, ...
bmj 371, 2020
Prevalence of obesity in Great Britain
KL Rennie, SA Jebb
Obesity reviews 6 (1), 11-12, 2005
Human metabolic syndrome resulting from dominant-negative mutations in the nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ
DB Savage, GD Tan, CL Acerini, SA Jebb, M Agostini, M Gurnell, ...
Diabetes 52 (4), 910-917, 2003
Measurements of total energy expenditure provide insights into the validity of dietary measurements of energy intake
AE Black, AM Prentice, GR Goldberg, SA Jebb, SA Bingham, ...
Journal of the American Dietetic Association 93 (5), 572-579, 1993
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Articles 1–20