Peter Hammerstein
Peter Hammerstein
Professor of Organismic Evolution, Institute for Theoretical Biology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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How many species are infected with Wolbachia? – a statistical analysis of current data
K Hilgenboecker, P Hammerstein, P Schlattmann, A Telschow, JH Werren
FEMS microbiology letters 281 (2), 215-220, 2008
Biological markets: supply and demand determine the effect of partner choice in cooperation, mutualism and mating
R Noë, P Hammerstein
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology 35, 1-11, 1994
Still a host of hosts for Wolbachia: analysis of recent data suggests that 40% of terrestrial arthropod species are infected
R Zug, P Hammerstein
PloS one 7 (6), e38544, 2012
Biological markets
R Noë, P Hammerstein
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 10 (8), 336-339, 1995
Evolution of cooperation through indirect reciprocity
O Leimar, P Hammerstein
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2001
Game theory and human evolution: A critique of some recent interpretations of experimental games
EH Hagen, P Hammerstein
Theoretical population biology 69 (3), 339-348, 2006
The asymmetric war of attrition
P Hammerstein, GA Parker
Journal of Theoretical Biology 96 (4), 647-682, 1982
The role of asymmetries in animal contests
P Hammerstein
Animal behaviour 29 (1), 193-205, 1981
Game theory and evolutionary biology
P Hammerstein, R Selten
Handbook of game theory with economic applications 2, 929-993, 1994
Bad guys turned nice? A critical assessment of Wolbachia mutualisms in arthropod hosts
R Zug, P Hammerstein
Biological Reviews 90 (1), 89-111, 2015
Why is reciprocity so rare in social animals? A protestant appeal
P Hammerstein
Darwinian adaptation, population genetics and the streetcar theory of evolution
P Hammerstein
Journal of mathematical biology 34, 511-532, 1996
Evolution of microbial markets
GDA Werner, JE Strassmann, ABF Ivens, DJP Engelmoer, E Verbruggen, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (4), 1237-1244, 2014
Economics in nature: Social dilemmas, mate choice and biological markets
R Noë, JA Van Hooff, P Hammerstein
Cambridge University Press, 2006
Morpho-dynamic changes of mitochondria during ageing of human endothelial cells
M Jendrach, S Pohl, M Vöth, A Kowald, P Hammerstein, J Bereiter-Hahn
Mechanisms of ageing and development 126 (6-7), 813-821, 2005
Game theory in the ecological context
SE Riechert, P Hammerstein
Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 14, 377-409, 1983
Biological trade and markets
P Hammerstein, R Noë
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 371 …, 2016
A helminth immunomodulator exploits host signaling events to regulate cytokine production in macrophages
C Klotz, T Ziegler, AS Figueiredo, S Rausch, MR Hepworth, N Obsivac, ...
PLoS pathogens 7 (1), e1001248, 2011
Did Neanderthals and other early humans sing? Seeking the biological roots of music in the territorial advertisements of primates, lions, hyenas, and wolves
EH Hagen, P Hammerstein
Musicae Scientiae 13 (2_suppl), 291-320, 2009
Revealing the paradox of drug reward in human evolution
RJ Sullivan, EH Hagen, P Hammerstein
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 275 (1640), 1231-1241, 2008
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