Andrew Pyle
Andrew Pyle
Associate Professor of Communication, Clemson University
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Corporate public relations dynamics: Internal vs. external stakeholders and the role of the practitioner
LA Cardwell, S Williams, A Pyle
Public Relations Review 43 (1), 152-162, 2017
Climate change education through TV weathercasts: Results of a field experiment
X Zhao, E Maibach, J Gandy, J Witte, H Cullen, BA Klinger, KE Rowan, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 95 (1), 117-130, 2014
Risk communication and community resilience
B Kar, DM Cochran
Routledge, 2019
Public speaking versus hybrid introductory communication courses: Exploring four outcomes
MA Broeckelman-Post, AS Pyle
Communication Education 66 (2), 210-228, 2017
Creating order out of chaos? Development of a measure of perceived effects of communication on the crisis organizing process
RP Fuller, A Pyle, L Riolli, A Mickel
International Journal of Business Communication 59 (2), 174-192, 2022
International organizational crisis communication: A simple rules approach to managing crisis complexity
RR Ulmer, AS Pyle
The handbook of international crisis communication research, 108-118, 2016
Intercultural crisis communication: examining the experiences of crisis sojourners
AS Pyle
Journal of Applied Communication Research 46 (3), 388-407, 2018
Discourse of renewal: State of the discipline and a vision for the future
AS Pyle, RP Fuller, RR Ulmer
The handbook of applied communication research, 343-361, 2020
“Don’t Mess with Ukrainian Farmers”: An examination of Ukraine and Kyiv’s official Twitter accounts as crisis communication, public diplomacy, and nation building during …
BC Boatwright, AS Pyle
Public Relations Review 49 (3), 102338, 2023
From silence to condemnation: Institutional responses to “travel ban” Executive Order 13769
AS Pyle, DL Linvill, SP Gennett
Public Relations Review 44 (2), 214-223, 2018
US Nonprofit organizations respond to the covid-19 crisis: The influence of communication, crisis experiences, crisis management, and organizational characteristics
RP Fuller, RE Rice, A Pyle
American Behavioral Scientist 68 (9), 1108-1138, 2024
The role of social media in enhancing risk communication and promoting community resilience in the midst of a disaster
KE Anthony, SJ Venette, AS Pyle, BC Boatwright, CE Reif-Stice
Risk communication and community resilience, 165-178, 2019
Disease and disaster: Navigating food insecurity in a community affected by crises during COVID-19
AS Pyle, M Eichinger, BA Garst, C Mobley, SF Griffin, LH Hossfeld, ...
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 2021
Teaching PEACE: A plan for effective crisis communication instruction
AS Pyle
Communication Teacher 32 (4), 209-214, 2018
Finding renewal in the midst of disaster: The case of the deepwater horizon oil spill
RR Ulmer, AS Pyle
Public relations review 47 (1), 102001, 2021
SnowedOut Atlanta: Examining digital emergence on facebook during a crisis
AS Pyle, ML Morgoch, BC Boatwright
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 27 (4), 414-422, 2019
Intercultural emergency communication: Making sense of intercultural communication competence in emergency response contexts
AS Pyle
George Mason University, 2014
Coming together around hashtags: Exploring the formation of digital emergent citizen groups
AS Pyle, B Boatwright
The Journal of Public Interest Communications 2 (1), 3-3, 2018
Inquiry-based civil discourse education
DL Linvill, AS Pyle
Communication Teacher 31 (4), 214-219, 2017
Democratic Policing, Building Trust, and Willingness to Call 911: Examining the Relationship between Law Enforcement Legitimacy and Calling the Police
K McLean, BL Miller, A Pyle, O Bauwens
American Journal of Criminal Justice 49 (2), 183-200, 2024
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Articles 1–20