Tom Emery
Tom Emery
Director of ODISSEI & Associate Professor at Erasmus University Rotterdam
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Generations and gender survey study profile
A Gauthier, S Cabaco, T Emery
Longitudinal and Life Course Studies 9 (2), 456-465, 2018
Generations and Gender Programme Wave 1 data collection: An overview and assessment of sampling and fieldwork methods, weighting procedures, and cross-sectional representativeness
T Fokkema, A Kveder, N Hiekel, T Emery, AC Liefbroer
Demographic Research 34, 499-524, 2016
Intergenerational Transfers in European Families: Does the Number of Siblings Matter?
T Emery
Demographic Research 29 (10), 247-274, 2013
The impact of COVID-19 on fertility behaviour and intentions in a middle income country
T Emery, JC Koops
Plos one 17 (1), e0261509, 2022
The pains and reliefs of the transitions into and out of spousal caregiving. A cross-national comparison of the health consequences of caregiving by gender
D Uccheddu, AH Gauthier, N Steverink, T Emery
Social Science & Medicine 240, 112517, 2019
Grandparenthood in China and Western Europe: An analysis of CHARLS and SHARE
J Zhang, T Emery, P Dykstra
Advances in Life Course Research 45, 100257, 2020
Intergenerational Conflict: Evidence from Europe
T Emery
Journal of Population Ageing, 1-16, 2011
Facing the future: European research infrastructures for the humanities and social sciences
A Duşa, D Nelle, G Stock, GG Wagner
Scivero, 2014
The labour market intentions and behaviour of stay-at-home mothers in Western and Eastern Europe
AH Gauthier, T Emery, A Bartova
Advances in Life Course Research 30, 1-15, 2016
Family dynamics in China and Europe in the last half-century
M Djundeva, PA Dykstra, T Emery
Chinese Journal of Sociology 5 (2), 143-172, 2019
Gender and socioeconomic inequalities in health at older ages across different european welfare clusters: evidence from SHARE data, 2004–2015
D Uccheddu, AH Gauthier, N Steverink, T Emery
European Sociological Review 35 (3), 346-362, 2019
A whole population network and its application for the social sciences
J Van der Laan, E de Jonge, M Das, S Te Riele, T Emery
European Sociological Review 39 (1), 145-160, 2023
Measuring policy entitlements at the micro-level: Maternity and parental leave in Europe
A Bártová, T Emery
Community, Work & Family 21 (1), 33-52, 2018
Does the survey mode affect the association between subjective well-being and its determinants? An experimental comparison between face-to-face and web mode
G Piccitto, AC Liefbroer, T Emery
Journal of Happiness Studies 23 (7), 3441-3461, 2022
Measuring intergenerational financial support: Analysis of two cross-national surveys
T Emery, S Mudrazija
Demographic Research 33, 951-984, 2015
Parenthood and depression: is childlessness similar to sonlessness among Chinese seniors?
M Djundeva, T Emery, PA Dykstra
Ageing & Society, 2017
Report on the use of sampling frames in European studies
A Scherpenzeel, A Maineri, J Bristle, SM Pflüger, I Mindarova, S Butt, ...
SERISS, 2017
Secure platform for processing sensitive data on shared HPC systems
M Scheerman, N Zarrabi, M Kruiten, M Mogé, L Voort, A Langedijk, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.14679, 2021
Generations and Gender Survey baseline questionnaire 3.0. 1
AH Gauthier, A Liefbroer, I Ajzen, A Aassve, G Beets, F Billari, A Vikat
The Hague: Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute, 2021
Intergenerational co-residence during later life in Europe and China
T Emery, PA Dykstra, M Djundeva
Chinese Journal of Sociology 5 (2), 241-259, 2019
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Articles 1–20