Anna Sjögren
Anna Sjögren
IFAU - Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy
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Cited by
Long-term intergenerational persistence of human capital: an empirical analysis of four generations
M Lindahl, M Palme, SS Massih, A Sjögren
Journal of Human Resources 50 (1), 1-33, 2015
Is team formation gender neutral? Evidence from coauthorship patterns
A Boschini, A Sjögren
Journal of Labor Economics 25 (2), 325-365, 2007
Decentralisering, skolval och fristående skolor: resultat och likvärdighet i svensk skola
H Holmlund, J Häggblom, E Lindahl, S Martinson, A Sjögren, U Vikman, ...
IFAU-Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy, 2014
Childcare costs and the demand for children—evidence from a nationwide reform
E Mörk, A Sjögren, H Svaleryd
Journal of Population Economics 26, 33-65, 2013
Parental unemployment and child health
E Mörk, A Sjögren, H Svaleryd
CESifo Economic Studies 60 (2), 366-401, 2014
Peers and culture
M Sáez‐Martí, A Sjögren
Scandinavian Journal of Economics 110 (1), 73-92, 2008
Consequences of parental job loss on the family environment and on human capital formation-Evidence from workplace closures
E Mörk, A Sjögren, H Svaleryd
Labour Economics 67, 101911, 2020
A test of the Becker-Tomes model of human capital transmission using microdata on four generations
M Lindahl, M Palme, S Sandgren-Massih, A Sjögren
Journal of Human Capital 8 (1), 80-96, 2014
Ungdomars och invandrades inträde på arbetsmarknaden 1985-2003
R Erikson, ON Skans, A Sjögren, O Åslund
IFAU-Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy, 2007
How long and how much? Learning about the design of wage subsidies from policy changes and discontinuities
A Sjögren, J Vikström
Labour Economics 34, 127-137, 2015
Trading off or having it all? Completed fertility and mid-career earnings of Swedish men and women
A Boschini, C Hakansson, A Rosén, A Sjogren
Institute for Labour Market Policy Evaluation Working Paper, 2011
Jämlikhet i möjligheter och utfall i den svenska skolan
H Holmlund, A Sjögren, B Öckert
IFAU-Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy, 2020
The intergenerational persistence of human capital: an empirical analysis of four generations
M Lindahl, M Palme, S Sandgren-Massih, A Sjögren
IFAU-Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy, 2012
Cheaper childcare, more children
E Mörk, A Sjögren, H Svaleryd
IFAU-Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy, 2008
Occupational choice and incentives: The role of family background
A Sjögren
IUI Working Paper, 2000
Leder nystartsjobben till högre sysselsättning?
L Liljeberg, A Sjögren, J Vikström
IFAU-Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy, 2012
Human Capital, R & D and Economic Growth
A Sjögren
Economic Research Inst., 1998
Graded children–evidence of longrun consequences of school grades from a nationwide reform
A Sjögren
IFAU-Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy, 2010
En god start: En ESO-rapport om tidigt stöd i skolan
C Von Greiff, A Sjögren, IM Wieselgren
Finansdepartementet, Regeringskansliet, 2012
Decentralisering, skolval och fristående skolor: Resultat och likvärdighet i svensk skola [Decentralisation, school choice and independent schools: Results and equity in …
H Holmlund, J Häggblom, E Lindahl, S Martinson, A Sjögren, U Vikman, ...
Institute for Labour Market Policy Evaluation, 2014
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Articles 1–20