orlando alvarez
orlando alvarez
Instituto Geofisico Sismologico Volponi, CONICET
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Cited by
GOCE satellite derived gravity and gravity gradient corrected for topographic effect in the South Central Andes region
O Álvarez, M Gimenez, C Braitenberg, A Folguera
Geophysical Journal International 190 (2), 941-959, 2012
GOCE derived vertical gravity gradient delineates great earthquake rupture zones along the Chilean margin
O Álvarez, S Nacif, M Gimenez, A Folguera, C Braitenberg
Tectonophysics 622, 198-215, 2014
Late Oligocene–early Miocene submarine volcanism and deep-marine sedimentation in an extensional basin of southern Chile: Implications for the tectonic development of the North …
A Encinas, A Folguera, V Oliveros, L De Girolamo Del Mauro, F Tapia, ...
Bulletin 128 (5-6), 807-823, 2016
A review about the mechanisms associated with active deformation, regional uplift and subsidence in southern South America
A Folguera, G Gianni, L Sagripanti, ER Vera, I Novara, B Colavitto, ...
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 64, 511-529, 2015
New evidence about the subduction of the Copiapó ridge beneath South America, and its connection with the Chilean-Pampean flat slab, tracked by satellite GOCE and EGM2008 models
O Álvarez, M Gimenez, A Folguera, S Spagnotto, E Bustos, W Baez, ...
Journal of Geodynamics 91, 65-88, 2015
New insights into the Andean crustal structure between 32 and 34 S from GOCE satellite gravity data and EGM2008 model
O Alvarez, ME Gimenez, MP Martinez, F Lince Klinger, C Braitenberg
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 399 (1), 183-202, 2015
Gradients from GOCE reveal gravity changes before Pisagua Mw= 8.2 and Iquique Mw= 7.7 large megathrust earthquakes
O Álvarez, S Nacif, S Spagnotto, A Folguera, M Gimenez, M Chlieh, ...
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 64, 273-287, 2015
Nueva metodología para el cálculo del efecto topográfico para la corrección de datos satelitales
O Álvarez, M Gimenez, C Braitenberg
Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 70 (4), 499-506, 2013
Neogene growth of the Patagonian Andes
A Folguera, GM Gianni, A Encinas, O Álvarez, D Orts, A Echaurren, ...
The Evolution of the Chilean-Argentinean Andes, 475-501, 2018
Analysis of the Illapel Mw= 8.3 thrust earthquake rupture zone using GOCE-derived gradients
O Álvarez, A Pesce, M Gimenez, A Folguera, S Soler, W Chen
Pure and Applied Geophysics 174, 47-75, 2017
The flat to normal subduction transition study to obtain the Nazca plate morphology using high resolution seismicity data from the Nazca plate in Central Chile
S Nacif, EG Triep, SL Spagnotto, E Aragon, R Furlani, O Álvarez
Tectonophysics 657, 102-112, 2015
The Mars plate-tectonic-basement hypothesis
JM Dohm, MG Spagnuolo, JP Williams, CE Viviano-Beck, S Karunatillake, ...
46th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1741, 2015
Change in the pattern of crustal seismicity at the Southern Central Andes from a local seismic network
S Nacif, M Lupari, EG Triep, A Nacif, O Álvarez, A Folguera, M Gímenez
Tectonophysics 708, 56-69, 2017
Rupture area analysis of the Ecuador (Musine) Mw= 7.8 thrust earthquake on April 16, 2016, using GOCE derived gradients
O Álvarez, A Folguera, M Gimenez
Geodesy and Geodynamics 8 (1), 49-58, 2017
Crustal structure and tectonic setting of the south central Andes from gravimetric analysis
C Weidmann, S Spagnotto, O Álvarez, M Sánchez, FL Klinger, M Giménez, ...
Geofísica internacional 52 (3), 197-208, 2013
Lithosphere of South American intracratonic basins: Electromagnetic and potential field data reveal cratons, terranes, and sutures
GN Dragone, MS Bologna, N Ussami, ME Gimenez, O Alvarez, ...
Tectonophysics 811, 228884, 2021
Reviewing megathrust slip behavior for recent Mw> 8.0 earthquakes along the Peru-Chilean margin from satellite GOCE gravity field derivatives
O Álvarez, M Gimenez, A Folguera, CAM Chaves, C Braitenberg
Tectonophysics 769, 228188, 2019
Goce derived geoid changes before the Pisagua 2014 earthquake
O Álvarez, M Gimenez, A Folguera, S Guillen, C Tocho
Geodesy and Geodynamics 9 (1), 50-56, 2018
Sensoramiento remoto y magnetismo aplicado al estudio de terrenos paleozoicos en la precordillera occidental (31º20’s), San juan, Argentina
JP Ariza, MP Martinez, GI Vujovich, FL Boedo, O Álvarez, MA Sanchez
Geoacta 39 (1), 138-153, 2014
The Evolution of the Chilean-Argentinean Andes
A Folguera, E Contreras-Reyes, N Heredia, A Encinas, SB Iannelli, ...
Springer, 2018
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Articles 1–20