Luis Jesus Otero Diaz
Luis Jesus Otero Diaz
Profesor Investigador Universidad del Norte
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Cited by
Freshwater discharge into the Caribbean Sea from the rivers of Northwestern South America (Colombia): Magnitude, variability and recent changes
JC Restrepo, JC Ortíz, J Pierini, K Schrottke, M Maza, L Otero, J Aguirre
Journal of Hydrology 509, 266-281, 2014
Cold fronts in the Colombian Caribbean Sea and their relationship to extreme wave events
JC Ortiz-Royero, LJ Otero, JC Restrepo, J Ruiz, M Cadena
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 13 (11), 2797-2804, 2013
Suspended sediment transport in the Magdalena River (Colombia, South America): Hydrologic regime, rating parameters and effective discharge variability
A Higgins, JC Restrepo, JC Ortiz, J Pierini, L Otero
International Journal of Sediment Research 31 (1), 25-35, 2016
Tsunami hazard at the Western Mediterranean Spanish coast from seismic sources
JA Álvarez-Gómez, ĺ Aniel-Quiroga, M González, L Otero
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 11 (1), 227-240, 2011
Ocean thermal energy resources in Colombia
A Devis-Morales, RA Montoya-Sánchez, AF Osorio, LJ Otero-Díaz
Renewable Energy 66, 759-769, 2014
Sediment transport and geomorphological change in a high-discharge tropical delta (Magdalena River, Colombia): Insights from a period of intense change and human intervention …
JC Restrepo, K Schrottke, C Traini, JC Ortíz, A Orejarena, L Otero, ...
Journal of Coastal Research 32 (3), 575-589, 2016
Impact of a 1755-like tsunami in Huelva, Spain
VV Lima, JM Miranda, MA Baptista, J Catalão, M Gonzalez, L Otero, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 10 (1), 139-148, 2010
Estuarine and sediment dynamics in a microtidal tropical estuary of high fluvial discharge: Magdalena River (Colombia, South America)
JC Restrepo, K Schrottke, C Traini, A Bartholomae, S Ospino, JC Ortíz, ...
Marine Geology 398, 86-98, 2018
Transporte de sedimentos en suspensión en los principales ríos del Caribe colombiano: magnitud, tendencias y variabilidad
JC Restrepo-López, JC Ortiz-Royero, L Otero-Díaz, SR Ospino-Ortiz
Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales …, 2015
Shoreline changes between 1954 and 2007 in the marine protected area of the Rosario Island Archipelago (Caribbean of Colombia)
JC Restrepo, L Otero, AC Casas, A Henao, J Gutiérrez
Ocean & Coastal Management 69, 133-142, 2012
Storms or cold fronts: what is really responsible for the extreme waves regime in the Colombian Caribbean coastal region?
LJ Otero, JC Ortiz-Royero, JK Ruiz-Merchan, AE Higgins, SA Henriquez
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 16 (2), 391-401, 2016
The BIG’95 submarine landslide–generated tsunami: a numerical simulation
O Iglesias, G Lastras, M Canals, M Olabarrieta, M Gonzalez, ...
The Journal of Geology 120 (1), 31-48, 2012
Coastal impacts driven by sea-level rise in Cartagena de Indias
AF Orejarena-Rondón, JM Sayol, M Marcos, L Otero, JC Restrepo, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 614, 2019
Saltwater intrusion into a river with high fluvial discharge: a microtidal estuary of the Magdalena River, Colombia
S Ospino, JC Restrepo, L Otero, J Pierini, O Alvarez-Silva
Journal of Coastal Research 34 (6), 1273-1288, 2018
The impact of tsunamis on the island of Majorca induced by north Argelian seismic sources
JA Alvarez-Gomez, M Olabarrieta, M Gonzalez, L Otero, E Carreño, ...
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 19 (3), 367-383, 2010
Aplicación de un Modelo Hidrodinámico Bidimensional para describir las Corrientes y la Propagación de la Onda de Marea en la Bahía de Buenaventura.
LJ Otero Díaz
C3: A finite volume-finite difference hybrid model for tsunami propagation and runup
M Olabarrieta, R Medina, M Gonzalez, L Otero
Computers & geosciences 37 (8), 1003-1014, 2011
Comportamiento del nivel del mar en el litoral Caribe colombiano
RRT Parra, LJO Díaz, FA Franco, LM Rocha
Boletín Científico CIOH, 8-21, 2008
Sea breeze in the Colombian Caribbean coast
A Pérez R, JC Ortiz R, LF Bejarano A, L Otero D, JC Restrepo L, ...
Atmósfera 31 (4), 389-406, 2018
Factors influencing the distribution and characteristics of surface sediment in the Bay of Cartagena, Colombia
JC Restrepo, J Escobar, L Otero, D Franco, J Pierini, I Correa
Journal of Coastal Research 33 (1), 135-148, 2017
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Articles 1–20