Jouko Verho
Jouko Verho
Senior Researcher, VATT Institute for Economic Research
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The seven-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine reduces tympanostomy tube placement in children
AAI Palmu, J Verho, J Jokinen, P Karma, TM Kilpi
The Pediatric infectious disease journal 23 (8), 732-738, 2004
The effect of unemployment benefits on re-employment rates: Evidence from the Finnish unemployment insurance reform
R Uusitalo, J Verho
Labour Economics 17 (4), 643-654, 2010
Kinetics and avidity of antibodies evoked by heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccines PncCRM and PncOMPC in the Finnish Otitis Media Vaccine Trial
N Ekström, H Åhman, J Verho, J Jokinen, M Väkeväinen, T Kilpi, ...
Infection and immunity 73 (1), 369-377, 2005
Removing welfare traps: Employment responses in the Finnish basic income experiment
J Verho, K Hämäläinen, O Kanninen
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 14 (1), 501-522, 2022
Functional antibodies elicited by two heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccines in the Finnish Otitis Media Vaccine Trial
N Ekström, M Väkeväinen, J Verho, T Kilpi, H Käyhty, ...
Infection and immunity 75 (4), 1794-1800, 2007
Economic evaluation of pneumococcal conjugate vaccination in Finland
H Salo, H Sintonen, J Pekka Nuorti, M Linna, H Nohynek, J Verho, T Kilpi
Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases 37 (11-12), 821-832, 2005
From idea to experiment: Report on universal basic income experiment in Finland
O Kangas, VV Pulkka, P Honkanen, K Hämäläinen, M Kanerva, ...
Kela Report 88, 2016
Scars of recession: the long-term costs of the Finnish economic crisis
J Verho
Working paper, IFAU-Institute for Labour Market Policy Evaluation, 2008
Register‐based indicators for potentially inappropriate medication in high‐cost patients with excessive polypharmacy
LK Saastamoinen, J Verho
Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety 24 (6), 610-618, 2015
Cross-border health and productivity effects of alcohol policies
P Johansson, T Pekkarinen, J Verho
Journal of health economics 36, 125-136, 2014
Drug expenditure of high-cost patients and their characteristics in Finland
LK Saastamoinen, J Verho
The European Journal of Health Economics 14, 495-502, 2013
Economic Crises and Unemployment Persistence: Analysis of Job Losses During the Finnish Recession of the 1990s
J Verho
Economica 87 (345), 190-216, 2020
Maahanmuuttajien sosiaaliturvan käyttö vuonna 2011
J Tervola, J Verho
Kela, 2014
Expanding access to administrative data: the case of tax authorities in Finland and the UK
M Almunia, J Harju, K Kotakorpi, J Tukiainen, J Verho
International Tax and Public Finance 26, 661-676, 2019
Työttömyyden kesto ja pitkäaikaistyöttömyys
J Verho
Hämäläinen, K., Taimio, H. & Uusitalo, R.(toim.) Työttömyys …, 2006
Toimeentulotuki ja maahanmuuttajat Helsingissä
J Tervola, J Verho
Köyhyyttä Helsingissä, 71-88, 2013
Long-term efficacy of the seven-valent PncCRM vaccine on otitis media
AA Palmu, J Verho, PH Makela, TM Kilpi
3rd International Symposium on Pneumococci and Pneumococcal Diseases …, 2002
Perustulokokeilun arvioinnin loppuraportti: Rekisterianalyysi työmarkkinavaikutuksista
K Hämäläinen, O Kanninen, M Simanainen, J Verho
Valtion taloudellinen tutkimuskeskus, 2020
Sosiaaliturvan byrokratialoukut: Suunnitelma satunnaistetusta kenttäkokeesta
J Harju, O Kanninen, H Karhunen, T Kosonen, T Matikka, J Verho
Valtioneuvoston kanslia, 2019
Design and Evaluation of the Finnish Basic Income Experiment
K Hämäläinen, J Verho
National Tax Journal 75 (3), 573-596, 2022
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Articles 1–20