Mario Daniel Melita
Mario Daniel Melita
Profesor Adjunto Regular Dedicación Simple.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata.
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The existence of a planet beyond 50 AU and the orbital distribution of the classical Edgeworth–Kuiper-belt objects
A Brunini, MD Melita
Icarus 160 (1), 32-43, 2002
Rotational characterization of Hayabusa II target Asteroid (162173) 1999 JU3
NA Moskovitz, S Abe, KS Pan, DJ Osip, D Pefkou, MD Melita, M Elias, ...
Icarus 224 (1), 24-31, 2013
Comparative study of mean-motion resonances in the trans-neptunian region
MD Melita, A Brunini
Icarus 147 (1), 205-219, 2000
Planetary commensurabilities driven by accretion and dynamical friction
MD Melita, MM Woolfson
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 280 (3), 854-862, 1996
Links between the dynamical evolution and the surface color of the Centaurs
MD Melita, J Licandro
Astronomy & Astrophysics 539, A144, 2012
Physical properties and orbital stability of the Trojan asteroids
MD Melita, J Licandro, DC Jones, IP Williams
Icarus 195 (2), 686-697, 2008
Space weathering and the color indexes of minor bodies in the outer Solar System
Z Kaňuchová, R Brunetto, M Melita, G Strazzulla
Icarus 221 (1), 12-19, 2012
Assessment of different formation scenarios for the ring system of (10199) Chariklo
MD Melita, R Duffard, JL Ortiz, A Campo-Bagatin
Astronomy & Astrophysics 602, A27, 2017
Transit timing variation analysis in southern stars: the case of WASP-28
R Petrucci, E Jofré, M Melita, M Gómez, P Mauas
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 446 (2), 1389-1398, 2015
Observation of light echoes around very young stars
JL Ortiz, BEK Sugerman, I de La Cueva, P Santos-Sanz, R Duffard, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 519, A7, 2010
Sculpting the outer Edgeworth–Kuiper belt: stellar encounter followed by planetary perturbations
MD Melita, JD Larwood, IP Williams
Icarus 173 (2), 559-573, 2005
The edge of the Kuiper belt: the Planet X scenario
MD Melita, IP Williams, SJ Collander-Brown, A Fitzsimmons
Icarus 171 (2), 516-524, 2004
Collisions, cosmic radiation and the colors of the Trojan asteroids
MD Melita, G Strazzulla, A Bar-Nun
Icarus 203 (1), 134-139, 2009
A possible long-lived asteroid population at the equilateral Lagrangian points of Saturn
MD Melita, A Brunini
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 322 (2), L17-L21, 2001
The edge of the edgeworth-Kuiper Belt: stellar encounter, trans-Plutonian planet or outer limit of the primordial solar nebula?
MD Melita, J Larwood, S Collander-Brown, A Fitzsimmons, IP Williams, ...
Asteroids, Comets, and Meteors: ACM 2002 500, 305-308, 2002
Photometry of the Oort Cloud comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd): Pre-perihelion observations at 5.7 and 2.5 AU
EM Epifani, C Snodgrass, D Perna, M Dall’Ora, P Palumbo, V Della Corte, ...
Planetary and Space Science 132, 23-31, 2016
Surface composition and dynamical evolution of two retrograde objects in the outer solar system: 2008 YB3 and 2005 VD
N Pinilla-Alonso, A Alvarez-Candal, MD Melita, V Lorenzi, J Licandro, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 550, A13, 2013
On the applicability of Benford law to exoplanetary and asteroid data
MD Melita, JE Miraglia
New Astronomy 89, 101654, 2021
Spin-orbit evolution of the GJ 667C system: the effect of composition and other planets’ perturbations
PA Cuartas-Restrepo, M Melita, JI Zuluaga, B Portilla-Revelo, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 463 (2), 1592-1604, 2016
Lightcurves of 6 Jupiter Trojan asteroids
MD Melita, R Duffard, IP Williams, DC Jones, J Licandro, JL Ortiz
Planetary and Space Science 58 (7-8), 1035-1039, 2010
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Articles 1–20