Functional responses for zooplankton feeding on multiple resources: a review of assumptions and biological dynamics W Gentleman, A Leising, B Frost, S Strom, J Murray Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 50 (22-26), 2847-2875, 2003 | 373 | 2003 |
Planktonic grazers are a potentially important source of marine dissolved organic carbon SL Strom, R Benner, S Ziegler, MJ Dagg Limnology and Oceanography 42 (6), 1364-1374, 1997 | 351 | 1997 |
Microbial ecology of ocean biogeochemistry: a community perspective SL Strom science 320 (5879), 1043-1045, 2008 | 309 | 2008 |
Major transitions in dinoflagellate evolution unveiled by phylotranscriptomics J Janouškovec, GS Gavelis, F Burki, D Dinh, TR Bachvaroff, SG Gornik, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (2), E171-E180, 2017 | 288 | 2017 |
Phytoplankton blooms are strongly impacted by microzooplankton grazing in coastal North Pacific waters SL Strom, MA Brainard, JL Holmes, MB Olson Marine Biology 138, 355-368, 2001 | 237 | 2001 |
Nutrient assimilation, export production and 234Th scavenging in the eastern equatorial Pacific JW Murray, JN Downs, S Strom, CL Wei, HW Jannasch Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers 36 (10), 1471-1489, 1989 | 225 | 1989 |
Locomotory patterns of microzooplankton: potential effects on food selectivity of larval fish EJ Buskey, C Coulter, S Strom Bulletin of Marine Science 53 (1), 29-43, 1993 | 221 | 1993 |
Pigment‐specific rates of phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton grazing in the open subarctic Pacific Ocean SL Strom, NA Welschmeyer Limnology and Oceanography 36 (1), 50-63, 1991 | 221 | 1991 |
Ecosystem response persists after a prolonged marine heatwave RM Suryan, ML Arimitsu, HA Coletti, RR Hopcroft, MR Lindeberg, ... Scientific reports 11 (1), 6235, 2021 | 214 | 2021 |
Microzooplankton grazing in the coastal Gulf of Alaska: Variations in top‐down control of phytoplankton SL Strom, EL Macri, MB Olson Limnology and Oceanography 52 (4), 1480-1494, 2007 | 202 | 2007 |
Phytoplankton growth, microzooplankton herbivory and community structure in the southeast Bering Sea: insight into the formation and temporal persistence of an Emiliania … MB Olson, SL Strom Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 49 (26), 5969-5990, 2002 | 198 | 2002 |
Microplankton growth, grazing, and community structure in the northern Gulf of Mexico SL Strom, MW Strom Marine Ecology Progress Series 130, 229-240, 1996 | 194 | 1996 |
Bacterivory: interactions between bacteria and their grazers S SL Microbial ecology of the oceans, 2000 | 173 | 2000 |
Chemical defense in the microplankton II: Inhibition of protist feeding by β‐dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) S Strom, G Wolfe, A Slajer, S Lambert, J Clough Limnology and Oceanography 48 (1), 230-237, 2003 | 170 | 2003 |
Comparative growth rates and yields of ciliates and heterotrophic dinoflagellates SL Strom, TA Morello Journal of Plankton Research 20 (3), 571-584, 1998 | 147 | 1998 |
Chemical defense in the microplankton I: Feeding and growth rates of heterotrophic protists on the DMS‐producing phytoplankter Emiliania huxleyi S Strom, G Wolfe, J Holmes, H Stecher, C Shimeneck, L Sarah Limnology and Oceanography 48 (1), 217-229, 2003 | 146 | 2003 |
Cross-shelf gradients in phytoplankton community structure, nutrient utilization, and growth rate in the coastal Gulf of Alaska SL Strom, MB Olson, EL Macri, CW Mordy Marine Ecology Progress Series 328, 75-92, 2006 | 136 | 2006 |
Growth and grazing rates of the herbivorous dinoflagellate Gymnodinium sp. from the open subarctic Pacific Ocean SL Strom Mar Ecol Prog Ser 78, 103-113, 1991 | 132 | 1991 |
Primary production in the subarctic Pacific Ocean: Project SUPER NA Welschmeyer, S Strom, R Goericke, G DiTullio, M Belvin, W Petersen Progress in Oceanography 32 (1-4), 101-135, 1993 | 131 | 1993 |
Patterns of spatial and temporal variation in the marine ecosystem of the southeastern Bering Sea, with special reference to the Pribilof Domain GL Hunt Jr, PJ Stabeno, S Strom, JM Napp Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 55 (16-17), 1919-1944, 2008 | 128 | 2008 |