Mohd Erfy Ismail
Cited by
Cited by
Sistem akuntansi pengelolaan dana desa
M Ismail, AK Widagdo, A Widodo
Jurnal ekonomi dan bisnis 19 (2), 323-340, 2016
Konsep berpikir dalam al-qur’an dan implikasinya terhadap pendidikan akhlak
M Ismail
Ta'dib: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam 19 (02), 291-312, 2014
Gamification elements in Quizizz applications: Evaluating the impact on intrinsic and extrinsic student’s motivation
N Razali, NA Nasir, ME Ismail, NM Sari, KM Salleh
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 917 (1), 012024, 2020
The use of animation video in teaching to enhance the imagination and visualization of student in engineering drawing
E Ismail M, I Mahazir I, H Othman, H Amiruddin M, A Ariffin
Materials Science and Engineering Conference Series 203 (1), 012023, 2017
Effectiveness of entrepreneurship programmes in developing entrepreneurship skills towards quality TVET graduates
A Ismail, WN Adnan, A Masek, R Hassan, S Hashim, ME Ismail
Journal of Technical Education and Training 11 (1), 2019
Development of massive open online course (MOOC) based on ADDIE model for catering courses
ME Ismail, P Utami, IM Ismail, N Hamzah, H Harun
Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi 8 (2), 184-192, 2018
Implementation of The Gamification Concept UsingKAHOOT!Among TVET Students: An Observation
ME Ismail, N Sa’Adan, MA Samsudin, N Hamzah, N Razali, II Mahazir
Journal of Physics: conference series 1140, 012013, 2018
Model Pendidikan Kewirausahaan Berbasis Keterampilan Lokalbagi Anak Putus Sekolah pada Masyarakat Marginal
S Sukardi, M Ismail, N Suryanti, N Made
Cakrawala Pendidikan, 84826, 2014
Analisis Usability Pada Implementasi Sistem Pengelolaan Keuangan Masjid Menggunakan USE Questionnaire
F Fachruddin, MR Pahlevi, M Ismail, E Rasywir, Y Pratama
Jurnal Media Informatika Budidarma 4 (4), 1216-1224, 2020
BEGURU: Menggali Prinsip-Prinsip Penyiapkan Sarana dan Prasarana Pendidikan dalam Kearifan Lokal Sasak
L Sumardi, M Ismail, R Rispawati
Schemata: Jurnal Pasca Sarjana IAIN Mataram 11 (1), 39-54, 2022
Pengujian implementasi Sistem Pengelolaan keuangan masjid berbasis web Dan Android
F Fachruddin, MR Pahlevi, M Ismail, E Rasywir
Jurnal Khatulistiwa Informatika 22 (2), 124-131, 2020
Factors that influence students' learning: An observation on vocational college students
ME Ismail, S Hashim, N Abd Samad, N Hamzah, SH Masran, KAM Daud, ...
Journal of Technical Education and Training 11 (1), 2019
Penggunaan massive open online course (MOOC) dalam kalangan pelajar vokasional [The use of massive open online course (MOOC) among vocational students]
ME Ismail, S Hashim, IM Ismail, A Ismail, N Razali, KAM Daud, ...
Journal of Nusantara Studies (JONUS) 3 (1), 30-41, 2018
The implementation of the internship as a coursework in teaching and learning vocational education
NF Amin, AA Latif, M Arsat, N Suhairom, NF Jumaat, ME Ismail
Journal of Technical Education and Training 12 (1), 2020
Gender differences in students’ achievements in learning concepts of electricity via STEAM integrated approach utilizing scratch
WL Tan, MA Samsudin, ME Ismail, NJ Ahmad
Problems of Education in the 21st Century 78 (3), 423, 2020
Teaching Aids in Digital Electronics Practice through Integrating 21st Century Learning Skills using a conceptual approach
P Utami, GP Cikarge, ME Ismail, S Hashim
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1140 (1), 012022, 2018
The effect of information technology on learning (a study on civic and pancasila education students at mataram university)
L Sumardi, R Rispawati, M Ismail
JPP (Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran) 24 (2), 73-78, 2018
Menalar Makna Berpikir dalam Al-Qur'an: Pendekatan Semantik terhadap Konsep Kunci al-Qur’an
M Ismail
Design and development of augmented reality teaching kit: in TVET learning context
ME Ismail, AF Zakaria, IM Ismail, H Othman, MA Samsudin, P Utami
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 8 (1), 129-134, 2019
The effect of an augmented reality teaching kit on visualization, cognitive load and teaching styles
ME Ismail, P Utami, IM Ismail, M Khairudin, MH Amiruddin, B Lastariwati, ...
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan 24 (2), 178-184, 2018
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Articles 1–20