Sarah MacLean
Sarah MacLean
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Why is adolescent drinking declining? A systematic review and narrative synthesis
R Vashishtha, M Livingston, A Pennay, P Dietze, S MacLean, J Holmes, ...
Addiction Research & Theory 28 (4), 275-288, 2020
Alcohol and the constitution of friendship for young adults
S MacLean
Sociology 50 (1), 93-108, 2016
Young people are drinking less: it is time to find out why
A Pennay, M Livingston, S MacLean
La Trobe, 2015
The hidden harm: Alcohol’s impact on children and families.
AM Laslett, J Mugavin, H Jiang, E Manton, S Callinan, S MacLean, ...
Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education, 2015
Volatile bodies: Stories of corporeal pleasure and damage in marginalised young people's drug use
S MacLean
International journal of drug policy 19 (5), 375-383, 2008
‘Hyped up’: Assemblages of alcohol, excitement and violence for outer-suburban young adults in the inner-city at night
S MacLean, D Moore
International Journal of Drug Policy 25 (3), 378-385, 2014
Volatile substance misuse: a review of interventions
P d'Abbs, S MacLean
Department of Health and Ageing, 2008
Global issues in volatile substance misuse
CA Dell, SW Gust, S MacLean
Substance use & misuse 46 (sup1), 1-7, 2011
Declining drinking among adolescents: are we seeing a denormalisation of drinking and a normalisation of non‐drinking?
G Caluzzi, M Livingston, J Holmes, S MacLean, D Lubman, P Dietze, ...
Addiction 117 (5), 1204-1212, 2022
COVID‐19 makes a stronger research focus on home drinking more important than ever
S Callinan, S MacLean
Drug and Alcohol Review 39 (6), 613, 2020
“It might be a scummy-arsed drug but it's a sick buzz”: chroming and pleasure
S MacLean
Contemporary Drug Problems 32 (2), 295-318, 2005
Petrol sniffing in Aboriginal communities: a review of interventions
P d'Abbs, S MacLean
Cooperative Research Centre for Aboriginal and Tropical Health, 2000
“No one associates alcohol with being in good health”: Health and wellbeing as imperatives to manage alcohol use for young people
G Caluzzi, S MacLean, M Livingston, A Pennay
Sociology of Health & Illness 43 (2), 493-509, 2021
“Fourteen Dollars for One Beer!” Pre‐drinking is associated with high‐risk drinking among Victorian young adults
S MacLean, S Callinan
Australian and New Zealand journal of public health 37 (6), 579-585, 2013
Re-configured pleasures: How young people feel good through abstaining or moderating their drinking
G Caluzzi, S MacLean, A Pennay
International Journal of Drug Policy 77, 102709, 2020
Petrol sniffing in Aboriginal communities: a review of interventions
SJ MacLean, PHN d'Abbs
Drug and alcohol review 21 (1), 65-72, 2002
“I just drink for that tipsy stage” young adults and embodied management of alcohol use
G Zajdow, S MacLean
Contemporary Drug Problems 41 (4), 522-535, 2014
‘You’re repulsive’: Limits to acceptable drunken comportment for young adults
S MacLean, A Pennay, R Room
International Journal of Drug Policy 53, 106-112, 2018
Psychosocial therapeutic interventions for volatile substance use: a systematic review
S MacLean, J Cameron, A Harney, NK Lee
Addiction 107 (2), 278-288, 2012
Reflexive habitus and the new obligation of choice: Understanding young people’s light drinking and alcohol abstinence
G Caluzzi, A Pennay, S MacLean
Journal of Youth Studies 24 (7), 886-900, 2021
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Articles 1–20