Ana Moreno-Núñez
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Cited by
Arts-related pedagogies in preschool education: An Asian perspective
A Bautista, A Moreno-Núñez, R Bull, F Amsah, SF Koh
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 45, 277-288, 2018
Rhythmic ostensive gestures: How adults facilitate infants’ entrance into early triadic interactions
A Moreno-Núñez, C Rodríguez, MJ Del Olmo
Infant Behavior and Development 49, 168-181, 2017
The rhythmic, sonorous and melodic components of adult-child-object interactions between 2 and 6 months old
A Moreno-Núñez, C Rodríguez, MJ Del Olmo
Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 49, 737-756, 2015
Ostensive gestures come first: their role in the beginning of shared reference
C Rodríguez, A Moreno-Núñez, M Basilio, N Sosa
Cognitive Development 36, 142-149, 2015
Preschool educators’ interactions with children about sustainable development: Planned and incidental conversations
A Bautista, A Moreno-Núñez, SC Ng, R Bull
International Journal of Early Childhood 50 (1), 15-32, 2018
Object Pragmatics: Culture and Communication–the Bases for Early Cognitive Development
C Rodríguez, M Basilio, K Cárdenas, S Cavalcante, A Moreno-Núñez, ...
The Cambridge Handbook of Sociocultural Psychology, 223, 2018
Shared book-reading in early childhood education: Teachers’ mediation in children’s communicative development
K Cárdenas, A Moreno-Núñez, E Miranda-Zapata
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 2030, 2020
Percepción de los estudiantes universitarios iberoamericanos sobre la competencia comunicativa y la alfabetización académica
JA Núñez Cortés, A Moreno-Núñez
Zona Próxima, 44-60, 2017
Getting away from the point: the emergence of ostensive gestures and their functions
A Moreno-Núñez, C Rodríguez, E Miranda-Zapata
Journal of Child Language, 1-23, 2020
Gross motor teaching in preschool education: where, what and how do Singapore educators teach?(Enseñanza de la motricidad gruesa en educación infantil:¿ dónde, qué y cómo …
A Bautista, A Moreno-Núñez, P Vijayakumar, E Quek, R Bull
Journal for the Study of Education and Development 43 (2), 443-482, 2020
Musical dynamics in early triadic interactions: a case study
N Alessandroni, A Moreno-Núñez, C Rodríguez, MJ Del Olmo
Psychological Research, 1-17, 2020
Automated classification of classroom climate by audio analysis
A James, VYH Chua, T Maszczyk, A Moreno-Núñez, R Bull, K Lee, ...
International Workshop on Spoken Dialog System Technology, 2018
Inferring the Climate in Classrooms from Audio and Video Recordings: A Machine Learning Approach
A James, M Kashyap, YHV Chua, T Maszczyk, A Moreno-Núñez, R Bull, ...
2018 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for …, 2018
The multimodality of infant's rhythmic movements as a modulator of the interaction with their caregivers
A Moreno-Núñez, E Murillo, M Casla, I Rujas
Infant Behavior and Development 65, 101645, 2021
Ostensive gestures in triadic interactions: from rhythmic ostensive gestures of the adult to children's gestures at the end of the first year of life
A Moreno-Núñez
What’s an early triadic interaction made of? A methodological proposal to study the musical dynamics of interaction
A Moreno-Núñez, N Alessandroni
Infant Behavior and Development 63, 101572, 2021
El desarrollo de las interacciones triádicas tempranas: dinámicas musicales de interacción en el primer año
A Moreno-Núñez, A Fernández-Alcaide, N Martín-Ruiz
Revista de Psicología, 2021
El proceso lectoescritor y las dificultades en el aprendizaje de la lectoescritura
A Moreno-Núñez
CEU Ediciones, 2015
Early triadic interactions in the first year of life: A systematic review on object-mediated shared encounters
A Mendoza-García, A Moreno-Núñez
Frontiers in Psychology 14, 1205973, 2023
Language, Culture, and Identity: Signs of Life
A Moreno-Núñez, V da Silva Sinha, Z Tian
John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2020
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Articles 1–20