Janice Keenan
Janice Keenan
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Reading comprehension tests vary in the skills they assess: Differential dependence on decoding and oral comprehension
JM Keenan, RS Betjemann, RK Olson
Scientific Studies of Reading 12 (3), 281-300, 2008
Reading rate and retention as a function of the number of propositions in the base structure of sentences
W Kintsch, J Keenan
Cognitive psychology 5 (3), 257-274, 1973
Comprehension and recall of text as a function of content variables
W Kintsch, E Kozminsky, WJ Streby, G McKoon, JM Keenan
Journal of verbal learning and verbal behavior 14 (2), 196-214, 1975
The effects of causal cohesion on comprehension and memory
JM Keenan, SD Baillet, P Brown
Journal of verbal learning and verbal behavior 23 (2), 115-126, 1984
Predicting word reading and comprehension with executive function and speed measures across development: a latent variable analysis.
ME Christopher, A Miyake, JM Keenan, B Pennington, JC DeFries, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 141 (3), 470, 2012
Assessing the occurrence of elaborative inferences: Lexical decision versus naming
GR Potts, JM Keenan, JM Golding
Journal of memory and language 27 (4), 399-415, 1988
Pragmatics in memory: A study of natural conversation
JM Keenan, B MacWhinney, D Mayhew
Journal of verbal learning and verbal behavior 16 (5), 549-560, 1977
Memory for personally and socially significant events
JM Keenan, SD Baillet
Attention and performance VIII, 651-669, 2014
The internal and external validity of sluggish cognitive tempo and its relation with DSM–IV ADHD
EG Willcutt, N Chhabildas, M Kinnear, JC DeFries, RK Olson, DR Leopold, ...
Journal of abnormal child psychology 42, 21-35, 2014
How prior knowledge, WMC, and relevance of information affect eye fixations in expository text.
JK Kaakinen, J Hyönä, JM Keenan
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 29 (3), 447, 2003
Imagery in the congenitally blind: How visual are visual images?
J Zimler, JM Keenan
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 9 (2), 269, 1983
Reading comprehension in children with ADHD: Cognitive underpinnings of the centrality deficit
AC Miller, JM Keenan, RS Betjemann, EG Willcutt, BF Pennington, ...
Journal of abnormal child psychology 41, 473-483, 2013
Comprehending the Gray Oral Reading Test without reading it: Why comprehension tests should not include passage-independent items
JM Keenan, RS Betjemann
Scientific studies of reading 10 (4), 363-380, 2006
Genetic and environmental influences on reading and listening comprehension
JM Keenan, RS Betjemann, SJ Wadsworth, JC DeFries, RK Olson
Journal of research in reading 29 (1), 75-91, 2006
Understanding the complex etiologies of developmental disorders: behavioral and molecular genetic approaches
EG Willcutt, BF Pennington, L Duncan, SD Smith, JM Keenan, ...
Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics 31 (7), 533-544, 2010
Perspective effects on online text processing
JK Kaakinen, J Hyönä, JM Keenan
Discourse processes 33 (2), 159-173, 2002
Which elaborative inferences are drawn during reading? A question of methodologies
JM Keenan, GR Potts, JM Golding, TM Jennings
Comprehension processes in reading, 377-402, 2012
Test differences in diagnosing reading comprehension deficits
JM Keenan, CE Meenan
Journal of learning disabilities 47 (2), 125-135, 2014
Why do children differ in their development of reading and related skills?
RK Olson, JM Keenan, B Byrne, S Samuelsson
Scientific Studies of Reading 18 (1), 38-54, 2014
The self-reference effect with imagery encoding.
P Brown, JM Keenan, GR Potts
Journal of personality and social psychology 51 (5), 897, 1986
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