Valentin Sulzer
Valentin Sulzer
Co-Founder & CEO, Ionworks
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Python battery mathematical modelling (PyBaMM)
V Sulzer, SG Marquis, R Timms, M Robinson, SJ Chapman
Journal of Open Research Software 9 (1), 2021
“Knees” in lithium-ion battery aging trajectories
PM Attia, A Bills, FB Planella, P Dechent, G Dos Reis, M Dubarry, ...
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 169 (6), 060517, 2022
The challenge and opportunity of battery lifetime prediction from field data
V Sulzer, P Mohtat, A Aitio, S Lee, YT Yeh, F Steinbacher, MU Khan, ...
Joule 5 (8), 1934-1955, 2021
An asymptotic derivation of a single particle model with electrolyte
SG Marquis, V Sulzer, R Timms, CP Please, SJ Chapman
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 166 (15), A3693, 2019
Lithium-ion battery degradation: how to model it
SEJ O'Kane, W Ai, G Madabattula, D Alonso-Alvarez, R Timms, V Sulzer, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24 (13), 7909-7922, 2022
Neuralpde: Automating physics-informed neural networks (pinns) with error approximations
K Zubov, Z McCarthy, Y Ma, F Calisto, V Pagliarino, S Azeglio, L Bottero, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.09443, 2021
A continuum of physics-based lithium-ion battery models reviewed
F Brosa Planella, W Ai, AM Boyce, A Ghosh, I Korotkin, S Sahu, V Sulzer, ...
Progress in Energy 4 (4), 042003, 2022
Predicting the impact of formation protocols on battery lifetime immediately after manufacturing
A Weng, P Mohtat, PM Attia, V Sulzer, S Lee, G Less, A Stefanopoulou
Joule 5 (11), 2971-2992, 2021
Differential expansion and voltage model for li-ion batteries at practical charging rates
P Mohtat, S Lee, V Sulzer, JB Siegel, AG Stefanopoulou
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 167 (11), 110561, 2020
Accelerated battery lifetime simulations using adaptive inter-cycle extrapolation algorithm
V Sulzer, P Mohtat, S Pannala, JB Siegel, AG Stefanopoulou
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 168 (12), 120531, 2021
Probing heterogeneity in li-ion batteries with coupled multiscale models of electrochemistry and thermal transport using tomographic domains
TG Tranter, R Timms, TMM Heenan, SG Marquis, V Sulzer, A Jnawali, ...
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 167 (11), 110538, 2020
A suite of reduced-order models of a single-layer lithium-ion pouch cell
SG Marquis, R Timms, V Sulzer, CP Please, SJ Chapman
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 167 (14), 140513, 2020
Asymptotic reduction of a lithium-ion pouch cell model
R Timms, SG Marquis, V Sulzer, CP Please, SJ Chapman
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 81 (3), 765-788, 2021
A minimal information set to enable verifiable theoretical battery research
A Mistry, A Verma, S Sripad, R Ciez, V Sulzer, F Brosa Planella, R Timms, ...
ACS Energy Letters 6 (11), 3831-3835, 2021
Faster Lead-Acid Battery Simulations from Porous-Electrode Theory: Part I. Physical Model
V Sulzer, SJ Chapman, CP Please, DA Howey, CW Monroe
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 166 (12), A2363-A2371, 2019
Free radicals: making a case for battery modeling
DA Howey, SA Roberts, V Viswanathan, A Mistry, M Beuse, E Khoo, ...
The Electrochemical Society Interface 29 (4), 30, 2020
Promise and challenges of a data-driven approach for battery lifetime prognostics
V Sulzer, P Mohtat, S Lee, JB Siegel, AG Stefanopoulou
2021 American Control Conference (ACC), 4427-4433, 2021
Faster lead-acid battery simulations from porous-electrode theory: Part II. asymptotic analysis
V Sulzer, SJ Chapman, CP Please, DA Howey, CW Monroe
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 166 (12), A2372, 2019
liionpack: A Python package for simulating packs of batteries with PyBaMM
T Tranter, R Timms, V Sulzer, F Planella, G Wiggins, S Karra, P Agarwal, ...
Journal of Open Source Software 7 (70), 2022
An algorithmic safety VEST for Li-ion batteries during fast charging
P Mohtat, S Pannala, V Sulzer, JB Siegel, AG Stefanopoulou
IFAC-PapersOnLine 54 (20), 522-527, 2021
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Articles 1–20