Jean-Pierre Burg
Jean-Pierre Burg
Earth Sciences, ETH-Zurich
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Structure and evolution of the Himalaya–Tibet orogenic belt
CJ Allegre, V Courtillot, P Tapponnier, A Hirn, M Mattauer, C Coulon, ...
Nature 307 (5946), 17-22, 1984
Tectonics and structural zonation of southern Tibet, China
JP Burg, GM Chen
Nature 311 (5983), 219-223, 1984
Deformation of leucogranites of the crystalline Main Central Sheet in southern Tibet (China)
JP Burg, M Brunel, D Gapais, GM Chen, GH Liu
Journal of Structural Geology 6 (5), 535-542, 1984
Evolutionary model of the Himalaya–Tibet system: geopoem: based on new modelling, geological and geophysical data
AI Chemenda, JP Burg, M Mattauer
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 174 (3-4), 397-409, 2000
The role of viscous heating in Barrovian metamorphism of collisional orogens: thermomechanical models and application to the Lepontine Dome in the Central Alps
JP Burg, TV Gerya
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 23 (2), 75-95, 2005
The Tibetan side of the India–Eurasia collision
P Tapponnier, JL Mercier, F Proust, J Andrieux, R Armijo, JP Bassoullet, ...
Nature 294 (5840), 405-410, 1981
Rhodope and Vardar: the metamorphic and the olistostromic paired belts related to the Cretaceous subduction under Europe
LE Ricou, JP Burg, I Godfriaux, Z Ivanov
Geodinamica acta 11 (6), 285-309, 1998
The Namche Barwa syntaxis: evidence for exhumation related to compressional crustal folding
JP Burg, P Nievergelt, F Oberli, D Seward, P Davy, JC Maurin, Z Diao, ...
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 16 (2-3), 239-252, 1998
High shear strain of olivine aggregates: Rheological and seismic consequences
M Bystricky, K Kunze, L Burlini, JP Burg
Science 290 (5496), 1564-1567, 2000
Variscan intracontinental deformation: the Coimbra—Cordoba shear zone (SW Iberian Peninsula)
JP Burg, M Iglesias, P Laurent, P Matte, A Ribeiro
Tectonophysics 78 (1-4), 161-177, 1981
Combined thrusting and wrenching in the Ibero-Armorican arc: a corner effect during continental collision
JP Brun, JP Burg
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 61 (2), 319-332, 1982
Syn‐metamorphic nappe complex in the Rhodope Massif. Structure and kinematics
JP Burg, LE Ricou, Z Ivano, I Godfriaux, D Dimov, L Klain
Terra nova 8 (1), 6-15, 1996
Syn-to post-thickening extension in the Variscan Belt of Western Europe: modes and structural consequences
JP Burg, J van den Driessche, JP Brun
Géologie de la France 3, 33-51, 1994
Exhumation during crustal folding in the Namche‐Barwa syntaxis
JP Burg, P Davy, P Nievergelt, F Oberli, D Seward, Z Diao, M Meier
Terra Nova 9 (2), 53-56, 1997
Systematic iron isotope variations in mantle rocks and minerals: the effects of partial melting and oxygen fugacity
HM Williams, AH Peslier, C McCammon, AN Halliday, S Levasseur, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 235 (1-2), 435-452, 2005
Himalayan metamorphism and deformations in the North Himalayan Belt (southern Tibet, China)
JP Burg, M Guiraud, GM Chen, GC Li
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 69 (2), 391-400, 1984
A cross section through the French Massif Central and the scope of its Variscan geodynamic evolution
JP Burg, PJ Matte
Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft 129 (2), 429-460, 1978
La chaine hercynienne d'Europe occidentale en termes de tectonique des plaques
JP Bard, B Jp, P Matte, A Ribeiro
Strain analysis of a shear zone in a granodiorite
JP Burg, P Laurent
Tectonophysics 47 (1-2), 15-42, 1978
Transient hot channels: perpetrating and regurgitating ultrahigh-pressure, high-temperature crust–mantle associations in collision belts
TV Gerya, LL Perchuk, JP Burg
Lithos 103 (1-2), 236-256, 2008
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Articles 1–20