Matthieu Lemerre
Matthieu Lemerre
Tenured researcher, Université Paris-Saclay/CEA List
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Binary-level directed fuzzing for use-after-free vulnerabilities
MD Nguyen, S Bardin, R Bonichon, R Groz, M Lemerre
23rd International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses …, 2020
Method and tools for mixed-criticality real-time applications within PharOS
M Lemerre, E Ohayon, D Chabrol, M Jan, MB Jacques
2011 14th IEEE International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented …, 2011
A case study on formal verification of the anaxagoros hypervisor paging system with frama-C
A Blanchard, N Kosmatov, M Lemerre, F Loulergue
International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems, 15-30, 2015
Equivalence between schedule representations: Theory and applications
M Lemerre, V David, C Aussaguès, G Vidal-Naquet
2008 IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, 237-247, 2008
The OASIS kernel: a framework for high dependability real-time systems
S Louise, M Lemerre, C Aussaguès, V David
High-Assurance Systems Engineering (HASE), 2011 IEEE 13th International …, 2011
Arrays Made Simpler: An Efficient, Scalable and Thorough Preprocessing.
B Farinier, R David, S Bardin, M Lemerre
LPAR, 363-380, 2018
A Relational Shape Abstract Domain
H Illous, M Lemerre, X Rival
NASA Formal Methods Symposium, 212-229, 2017
An introduction to time-constrained automata
M Lemerre, V David, C Aussaguès, G Vidal-Naquet
Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 38 (Special Issue on …, 2010
Specifying and Verifying Concurrent C Programs with TLA+
A Methni, M Lemerre, BB Hedia, S Haddad, K Barkaoui
The 3rd International Workshop on Formal Techniques for Safety-Critical …, 2014
The EVA plug-in
D Bühler, P Cuoq, B Yakobowski, M Lemerre, A Maroneze, V Perrelle, ...
Technical Report. CEA LIST, Software Reliability Laboratory, Saclay, France …, 2017
Demonstration of Automotive Steering Column Lock using Multicore AutoSAR® Operating System
SP Brewerton, N Willey, S Gandhi, T Rosenthal, C Stellwag, M Lemerre
SAE Technical Paper, 2012
Conc2Seq: A Frama-C Plugin for Verification of Parallel Compositions of C Programs
A Blanchard, N Kosmatov, M Lemerre, F Loulergue
2016 IEEE 16th International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and …, 2016
No Crash, No Exploit: Automated Verification of Embedded Kernels
O Nicole, M Lemerre, S Bardin, X Rival
2021 IEEE 27th Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium …, 2021
Interprocedural Shape Analysis Using Separation Logic-Based Transformer Summaries
H Illous, M Lemerre, X Rival
International Static Analysis Symposium, 248-273, 2020
Lightweight Shape Analysis Based on Physical Types
O Nicole, M Lemerre, X Rival
International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract …, 2022
Interface Compliance of Inline Assembly: Automatically Check, Patch and Refine
F Recoules, S Bardin, R Bonichon, M Lemerre, L Mounier, ML Potet
2021 IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE …, 2021
A communication mechanism for resource isolation
M Lemerre, V David, G Vidal-Naquet
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Isolation and Integration in Embedded …, 2009
SSA Translation Is an Abstract Interpretation
M Lemerre
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 7 (POPL), 1895-1924, 2023
A relational shape abstract domain
H Illous, M Lemerre, X Rival
Formal Methods in System Design, 1-58, 2021
P Baudin, F Bobot, R Bonichon, L Correnson, P Cuoq, Z Dargaye, ...
Frama-C, 2020
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Articles 1–20