Gemma Cupples
Gemma Cupples
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Cited by
Rapid sperm capture: high-throughput flagellar waveform analysis
MT Gallagher, G Cupples, EH Ooi, JC Kirkman-Brown, DJ Smith
Human Reproduction 34 (7), 1173-1185, 2019
Viscous propulsion in active transversely isotropic media
G Cupples, RJ Dyson, DJ Smith
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 812, 501-524, 2017
Influences of transversely isotropic rheology and translational diffusion on the stability of active suspensions
CR Holloway, G Cupples, DJ Smith, JEF Green, RJ Clarke, RJ Dyson
Royal Society open science 5 (8), 180456, 2018
On viscous propulsion in active transversely isotropic media
G Cupples, RJ Dyson, DJ Smith
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 855, 408-420, 2018
Heads and tails: requirements for informative and robust computational measures of sperm motility
G Cupples, MT Gallagher, DJ Smith, JC Kirkman-Brown
XIIIth International Symposium on Spermatology, 135-150, 2021
Fundamental connections between models of active suspensions and transversely-isotropic fluids
CR Holloway, G Cupples, DJ Smith, JEF Green, RJ Clarke, RJ Dyson
arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.00316, 2016
Oriented suspension mechanics with application to improving flow linear dichroism spectroscopy
G Cupples, DJ Smith, MR Hicks, RJ Dyson
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 475 (2232), 20190184, 2019
Stokeslets in the clinic: biological fluid dynamics applied to human sperm motility
D Smith, M Gallagher, G Cupples, C Neal, A Hall-McNair, ...
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, H31. 009, 2019
FAST, NEAREST and Flagellar Regulation
M Gallagher, G Cupples, J Kirkman-Brown, D Smith
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, Q31. 005, 2019
Oriented suspension mechanics with applications to flow linear dichrosim spectroscopy and pathogen detection
G Cupples, DJ Smith, MR Hicks, RJ Dyson
arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.01011, 2019
On viscous propulsion in active transversely isotropic media.
RJ Dyson, G Cupples, DJ Smith
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 855, 2018
Viscous propulsion in active transversely-isotropic media: Corrigendum
G Cupples, RJ Dyson, DJ Smith
arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.01301, 2018
Fibre-laden flows in biology and biotechnology
G Cupples
University of Birmingham, 2018
Flight Efficiency in European Airspace
C Sargent, C Cawthorn, G Cupples, E Devane, M Devine, C Holloway, ...
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Articles 1–14