Harris Shah Abd Hamid
Harris Shah Abd Hamid
Department of Education and Psychology, University College MAIWP International
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Statistics anxiety and achievement in a statistics course among psychology students
HS Abd Hamid, MK Sulaiman
International Journal of Behavioral Science 9 (1), 55-66, 2014
Psychometric properties of the state-trait anxiety inventory (form Y) among Malaysian university students
C Bee Seok, HS Abd Hamid, JA Mutang, R Ismail
Sustainability 10 (9), 3311, 2018
Roles of social media and counselling support in reducing anxiety among Malaysian during Covid-19 pandemic
NS Ahmad, Z Hussain, HS Abd Hamid, AZ Khairani
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 63, 102456, 2021
Neuroticism, extraversion and conscientiousness as predictors of the hedonistic lifestyle
T Taufik, N Prihartanti, HS Abd Hamid
North American Journal of Psychology 21 (3), 645-660., 2019
A review of patient safety in Thailand and Malaysia
D Yoelao, KP Mohan, HSA Hamid
The Journal of Behavioral Science 9 (2), 53-70, 2014
Adaptation and validation of the safety attitude questionnaire (SAQ) in Malaysian healthcare setting
HS Abd Hamid, CSC Kar, NS Murad
Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia 30 (1), 2016
Factor structure of the student engagement instrument among Malaysian undergraduates
MI Karim, HS Abd Hamid
Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia 30 (2), 2016
Psychometric properties of the intrapreneurial self-capital scale in Malaysian university students
C Bee Seok, HS Abd Hamid, R Ismail
Sustainability 11 (3), 881, 2019
Sadness regulation strategies and measurement: A scoping review
S Mohammed Zaid, Hutagalung, F Dameaty, HS Abd Hamid, ...
Plos ONE, 2021
Psychometric properties of the English version of DASS in a sample of Malaysian nurses
HS Abd Majid, HS Abd Hamid, A Alwi, MK Sulaiman
Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia 33 (1), 2019
Measuring emotional intelligence in a Malaysian sample: An exploratory factor analysis
HS Abd Hamid, MN Abd Razak
Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia 30 (1), 2016
Using goal directed task analysis to identify situation awareness requirements of advanced paramedics
H Abd Hamid, P Waterson
Advances in human factors and ergonomics in healthcare, 672-680, 2010
Factor structure of statistics anxiety rating scale (stars): EFA and CFA using Malaysian undergraduate psychology students
HS Abd Hamid, MK Sulaiman
7th International Conference on University Learning and Teaching (InCULT …, 2016
Coping Strategies and Mental Health of the LGBTQ with HIV/AIDS--A Systematic Review.
MA Ahmad, AM Nor, HS Abd Hamid, ANSJ Jamaludin
Psychological Thought 14 (2), 2021
Teacher Leadership Models: A Directed Analysis of Content
SA Abd Rahim, HS Abd Hamid, N Samsudin, MFA Ghani
3rd International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and …, 2020
Predictors of deviant behavior justification among Muslims: Sociodemographic factors, subjective well-being, and perceived religiousness
NA Aminnuddin, HSA Hamid
Islamic Guidance and Counseling Journal 4 (2), 144-157, 2021
Situation awareness to support decision-making among emergency care practitioners
HSA Hamid, P Waterson, S Hignett
9th Bi-annual International Conference on Naturalistic Decision Making (NDM9), 2009
Cabaran pelaksanaan program pembangunan profesionalisme pemimpin guru sekolah berprestasi tinggi
SA bin Ab Rahim, MFA Ghani, HSA Hamid, N Samsudin, Z Ismail, ...
JuPiDi: Jurnal Kepimpinan Pendidikan 8 (2), 25-40, 2021
Design of a teacher leadership instrument: A need analysis study based on Malaysian context
SA Ab Rahim, N Samsudin, MFA Ghani, HSA Hamid
2nd Yogyakarta International Conference on Educational Management …, 2020
Patient Safety
HS Abd Hamid
Pearson Malaysia, 2012
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Articles 1–20