Richard Kronick
Richard Kronick
Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health, University of California San Diego
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A consumer-choice health plan for the 1990s
A Enthoven, R Kronick
New England Journal of Medicine 320 (1), 29-37, 1989
The Affordable Care Act has led to significant gains in health insurance and access to care for young adults
BD Sommers, T Buchmueller, SL Decker, C Carey, R Kronick
Health affairs 32 (1), 165-174, 2013
Rapid whole-genome sequencing decreases infant morbidity and cost of hospitalization
L Farnaes, A Hildreth, NM Sweeney, MM Clark, S Chowdhury, S Nahas, ...
NPJ genomic medicine 3 (1), 10, 2018
Marital status and longevity in the United States population
RM Kaplan, RG Kronick
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 60 (9), 760-765, 2006
Effects of offering advance directives on medical treatments and costs
LJ Schneiderman, R Kronick, RM Kaplan, JP Anderson, RD Langer
Annals of Internal Medicine 117 (7), 599-606, 1992
Improving health-based payment for Medicaid beneficiaries: CDPS
R Kronick, T Gilmer, T Dreyfus, L Lee
Health care financing review 21 (3), 29, 2000
Book review: The effect of health insurance on medical care utilization and implications for insurance expansion: A review of the literature
TC Buchmueller, K Grumbach, R Kronick, JG Kahn
Medical care research and review 62 (1), 3-30, 2005
The marketplace in health care reform--the demographic limitations of managed competition
R Kronick, DC Goodman, J Wennberg, E Wagner
New England Journal of Medicine 328 (2), 148-152, 1993
Explaining The Decline In Health Insurance Coverage, 1979-1995: Rising health spending levels over the past two decades have created a growing pool of uninsured workers.
R Kronick, T Gilmer
Health affairs 18 (2), 30-47, 1999
Project Baby Bear: Rapid precision care incorporating rWGS in 5 California children’s hospitals demonstrates improved clinical outcomes and reduced costs of care
D Dimmock, S Caylor, B Waldman, W Benson, C Ashburner, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 108 (7), 1231-1238, 2021
Diagnostic risk adjustment for Medicaid: the disability payment system
R Kronick, T Dreyfus, L Lee, Z Zhou
Health care financing review 17 (3), 7, 1996
The Affordable Care Act and insurance coverage for young adults
BD Sommers, R Kronick
Jama 307 (9), 913-914, 2012
Universal health insurance through incentives reform
AC Enthoven, R Kronick
JAMA 265 (19), 2532-2536, 1991
Single transferrable vote: an example of a perverse social choice function
G Doron, R Kronick
American Journal of Political Science, 303-311, 1977
The cost of health insurance administration in California: estimates for insurers, physicians, and hospitals
JG Kahn, R Kronick, M Kreger, DN Gans
Health Affairs 24 (6), 1629-1639, 2005
The Medicaid Rx model: pharmacy-based risk adjustment for public programs
T Gilmer, R Kronick, P Fishman, TG Ganiats
Medical care 39 (11), 1188-1202, 2001
Insuring low-income adults: does public coverage crowd out private?
R Kronick, T Gilmer
Health affairs 21 (1), 225-239, 2002
The faces of Medicaid III: Refining the portrait of people with multiple chronic conditions
R Kronick, M Bella, T Gilmer
Impact of individual-, environmental-, and policy-level factors on health care utilization among US farmworkers
KD Hoerster, JA Mayer, S Gabbard, RG Kronick, SC Roesch, VL Malcarne, ...
American journal of public health 101 (4), 685-692, 2011
It's The Premiums, Stupid: Projections Of The Uninsured Through 2013: The number of uninsured Americans is projected to increase by eleven million in the coming decade.
T Gilmer, R Kronick
Health Affairs 24 (Suppl1), W5-143-W5-151, 2005
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Articles 1–20