Joshua Smith
Joshua Smith
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
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Cited by
Causes of pneumonia epizootics among bighorn sheep, western United States, 2008–2010
TE Besser, MA Highland, K Baker, EF Cassirer, NJ Anderson, JM Ramsey, ...
Emerging Infectious Diseases 18 (3), 406, 2012
Disease and Predation: Sorting out Causes of a Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis) Decline
JB Smith, JA Jenks, TW Grovenburg, RW Klaver
Plos One, 2014
Variable strategies to solve risk–reward tradeoffs in carnivore communities
J Ruprecht, CE Eriksson, TD Forrester, DB Spitz, DA Clark, MJ Wisdom, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (35), e2101614118, 2021
Spatial complexity of carcass location influences vertebrate scavenger efficiency and species composition
JB Smith, LJ Laatsch, JC Beasley
Scientific Reports, 2017
Behavioral changes and nutritional consequences to elk (Cervus canadensis) avoiding perceived risk from human hunters
DB Spitz, MM Rowland, DA Clark, MJ Wisdom, JB Smith, CL Brown, ...
Ecosphere 10 (9), e02864, 2019
Mountain lion (Puma concolor) feeding behavior in the Little Missouri Badlands, North Dakota
DT Wilckens, JB Smith, SA Tucker, DJ Thompson, JA Jenks
Journal of Mammalogy, 1-13, 2016
Evaluating detection probabilities for American marten in the Black Hills, South Dakota
JB Smith, JA Jenks, RW Klaver
The Journal of Wildlife Management 71 (7), 2412-2416, 2007
Evaluating indirect effects of hunting on mule deer spatial behavior
CL Brown, JB Smith, MJ Wisdom, MM Rowland, DB Spitz, DA Clark
The Journal of Wildlife Management 84 (7), 1246-1255, 2020
Parturition and bed site selection of bighorn sheep at local and landscape scales
JB Smith, TW Grovenburg, JA Jenks
The Journal of Wildlife Management 79 (3), 393-401, 2015
Techniques for capturing bighorn sheep lambs
JB Smith, DP Walsh, EJ Goldstein, ZD Parsons, RC Karsch, JR Stiver, ...
Wildlife Society Bulletin 38 (1), 165-174, 2014
Survival of Female Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis) in the Black Hills, South Dakota
JB Smith, TW Grovenburg, KL Monteith, JA Jenks
The American Midland Naturalist 174 (2), 290-301, 2015
Multi‐level movement response of invasive wild pigs (Sus scrofa) to removal
G Bastille‐Rousseau, PE Schlichting, DA Keiter, JB Smith, JC Kilgo, ...
Pest Management Science, 2020
Do transmitters affect survival and body condition of American beavers Castor canadensis?
JB Smith, SK Windels, T Wolf, RW Klaver, JL Belant
Wildlife Biology 22 (3), 117-123, 2016
Determining impacts of mountain lions on bighorn sheep and other prey sources in the Black Hills
JB Smith
South Dakota State University, 2014
Assessing temporal genetic variation in a cougar population: influence of harvest and neighboring populations
RL Juarez, MK Schwartz, KL Pilgrim, DJ Thompson, SA Tucker, JB Smith, ...
Conservation Genetics, 2016
Hunting and game consumption patterns of hunters in South Carolina, USA.
J Smith, T Tuberville, J Beasley
Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 9 (1), 321-329, 2018
Brown tree snake (Boiga irregularis) population density and carcass locations following exposure to acetaminophen
JB Smith, KL Turner, JC Beasley, TL DeVault, WC Pitt, OE Rhodes
Ecotoxicology 25, 1556-1562, 2016
Re-evaluating neonatal-age models for ungulates: does model choice affect survival estimates?
TW Grovenburg, KL Monteith, CN Jacques, RW Klaver, CS DePerno, ...
PLoS One 9 (9), e108797, 2014
Behavioral responses of male elk to hunting risk
JB Smith, DB Spitz, CL Brown, MJ Wisdom, MM Rowland, TD Forrester, ...
The Journal of Wildlife Management 86 (3), e22174, 2022
Habitat quality influences trade-offs in animal movement along the exploration–exploitation continuum
JB Smith, DA Keiter, SJ Sweeney, RS Miller, PE Schlichting, JC Beasley
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 4814, 2023
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Articles 1–20