David P. Sims
David P. Sims
Associate Professor of Economcs, Brigham Young University
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Cited by
The persistence of teacher-induced learning
BA Jacob, L Lefgren, DP Sims
Journal of Human resources 45 (4), 915-943, 2010
Estimating the firm’s labor supply curve in a “new monopsony” framework: Schoolteachers in Missouri
MR Ransom, DP Sims
Journal of Labor Economics 28 (2), 331-355, 2010
Out of control: What can we learn from the end of Massachusetts rent control?
DP Sims
Journal of Urban Economics 61 (1), 129-151, 2007
Strategic responses to school accountability measures: It's all in the timing
DP Sims
Economics of Education Review 27 (1), 58-68, 2008
Rich dad, smart dad: Decomposing the intergenerational transmission of income
L Lefgren, D Sims, MJ Lindquist
Journal of Political Economy 120 (2), 268-303, 2012
Effort, luck, and voting for redistribution
LJ Lefgren, DP Sims, OB Stoddard
Journal of Public Economics 143, 89-97, 2016
A strategic response to class size reduction: Combination classes and student achievement in California
D Sims
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management: The Journal of the Association …, 2008
Teacher heterogeneity, value-added and education policy
S Condie, L Lefgren, D Sims
Economics of Education Review 40, 76-92, 2014
Using subject test scores efficiently to predict teacher value-added
L Lefgren, D Sims
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 34 (1), 109-121, 2012
Can failure succeed? Using racial subgroup rules to analyze the effect of school accountability failure on student performance
DP Sims
Economics of Education Review 32, 262-274, 2013
Rent control rationing and community composition: evidence from Massachusetts
DP Sims
The BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 11 (1), 2011
The effects of secondary school quality on the distribution of earnings
ER Eide, MH Showalter, DP Sims
Contemporary Economic Policy 20 (2), 160-170, 2002
Crowding Peter to educate Paul: Lessons from a class size reduction externality
DP Sims
Economics of Education Review 28 (4), 465-473, 2009
Lifting all boats? Finance litigation, education resources, and student needs in the post-Rose era
DP Sims
Education Finance and Policy 6 (4), 455-485, 2011
Suing for your supper? Resource allocation, teacher compensation and finance lawsuits
DP Sims
Economics of Education Review 30 (5), 1034-1044, 2011
Beyond education and fairness: A labor market taxation model for the Great Gatsby Curve
L Lefgren, F McIntyre, DP Sims
Economic Inquiry 53 (2), 962-978, 2015
Contemporary state policies and intergenerational income mobility
LJ Lefgren, JC Pope, DP Sims
Journal of Human Resources 57 (4), 1107-1146, 2022
Going down with the ship?
DP Sims
The effect of school accountability on the distribution of teacher …, 2009
Technological change, relative worker productivity, and firm-level substitution: evidence from the NBA
G Gannaway, C Palsson, J Price, D Sims
Journal of Sports Economics 15 (5), 478-496, 2014
The Persistence of Teacher-Induced Learning Gains
D Sims, BA Jacob, L Lefgren
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2008
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Articles 1–20